Coming off a great men's retreat to off searching the next...

     Our church has been doing 2 men's retreats a year for a couple of years, spring and fall.  So we just ended the spring retreat and now for the planning of the fall one.  It is interesting how the retreats are morphing into the necessity that we have times of worship and devotions.  The fall retreat is so great because of the element of the bonfire.  Guys around the bonfire bring out what a year's of sermons could not.  So a trip up north today to scout out a new place for the fall retreat.

     Back in the saddle in the line of singing this Sunday.  I have been so thankful for those who carry this ball each Sunday that I handled along with the preaching for so long.  But, every once in awhile I get the opportunity to cover for them and it is a blessing to me but also a reminder of energy it takes to do this.  It is way more than just singing, it is a humility of heart to lead others in the addressing of God the Father.

     We continue on our study of Matthew and more specifically the Sermon on the Mount and even more specifically chapter 6.  This Sunday Jesus is observing how we are praying and why we are praying.  I have been so guilty of this at times.  Am I really speaking to God or just those who are around me?  Am I in a conversation with Him or extending out my last point in the sermon?  Satan loves to work his way into even one of the holiest things you could do.

     On the home-front, the spinach is to be picked this week.  Health-wise, Stephanie and I are doing great!!  The visit with the oncologist brought about the discussion of another test after the results of the CAT scan but after looking at my numbers it was decided to confer with the surgeon and also compare this CAT scan with the previous one for a better read of it all.  It is most likely scar tissue but I am not anxious to rush back in for another scan without some back up.  It is amazing how our attitude has changed over time to be able to ask more questions rather than just go with the flow.

     We will only have one home for the summer but we will take that.  We are hoping that we will be able to take a few trips this year to go their way to see the kids.  



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