Sunday is a comin'...and a houseful for the weekend...

     Sunday is the continuation of the Lord's Prayer.  We will be handling the petition of "Give us this day our daily bread."  Each verse in the section is a sermon so our study in Matthew is slowing down again but that is okay.  I am going to pull in the scripture from Exodus 16 about manna from heaven to bring home the point of our obedience to everything that God gives us.  There are so many times that He says but we think better and it doesn't come out good.  

     The Wolfgang house will be full this weekend.  Stephanie's parents, Ben and Jason, and also a young lady and her husband and child that we housed for a summer a few years back from Korea.  It will be great to see them and catch up with their lives.  She was a college student far from home and God crossed our paths.  Needless to say, the house that we once tried to sell will be filled to the gills and we are thankful for it.

     Health update.  The radiologist just got down comparing the January CAT scan with the April CAT scan and all looks well, no cancer detected.  Stephanie and I are continuing our change in eating  habits and will soon see if this has helped Stephanie's high cholesterol count.  We both lost some more weight and gained some energy that we have been putting into the garden!!!  I am back to riding my bike when I get a chance and our lives are full of activities but also with minds and hearts positive to God using each one to share the message of the gospel with those around us.

     The bread is a new venture but also another new venture for us will be offering a Wednesday night worship and word time through the summer at the church.  We have noticed that those churches who are serious about their walk with the Lord and actually doing more for Him are gathering for more than one service of worship.  It seems kind of backwards because you are adding to your schedule but it comes out with more opportunity to serve in the long run.  Maybe because we re-prioritize what we have going and maybe because the steady input of worship and word keeps our hearts and minds focused on what God has put around us.  We are excited about getting this started.



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