Luke 2:8-20...cue the shepherds...Patterns and Protocols


Stillwater at twilight from the snowshoe trail.  

One of the things I have tried to do is make our meeting place more visible.  Our next door neighbor to the church building is a bar/restaurant and many times I have to describe where the church building is by saying, "We are next to..." and the response back is, "Oh, now I know where you are talking about."  Church buildings can become almost invisible to the occupants of the cars passing by them each day.  Maybe a lighted steeple next!  Hidden in plain sight and maybe that is a metaphor for Jesus in many peoples' lives.  He is there. but they don't see Him until He makes Himself known by lighting up!

The sky was lite up by God through the angels on that night that Jesus was born.  The shepherds can't help but see that this night was not like other nights.  The sheep are in the fold and all accounted for and then wham the angel appears and then a bunch of his friends.  The message is clear and the application to go to Bethlehem is simple to understand and apply.  So is it for us when God lights up in our lives.  The message is clear and the application to follow Him is simple to understand and apply.

As you study the Bible and become a student of it you do begin to see patterns and protocols.  The angels always appear with a wow factor.  The onlookers tremble in fear.  The angels tells them, "Fear not!"  The angels then give the message from God.  Lastly, the angels give a sign to verify this is from God.  We see this played out over and over again with Zechariah, Mary and the shepherds along with other angel appearances in other parts of the Bible.  

A pattern that also appears comes out of the message given.  You hear the message from God.  You believe the message is for you to take in.  You submit or bow to the message as God's will.  You rise in obedience to follow after Him.  You give praise continually to God for this message to you.  You can also trace this pattern with the actors of the first coming of Christ.  I think it is also a pattern we can apply to our salvation.

You hear the message of the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ from God.  You not only hear the message but you believe, you take it in, that this good news is for you.  You then submit or bow to this message.  You repent (turn) from the ways of the world and your sin and turn to the forgiveness offered as a gift by God through His Son, Jesus Christ death and resurrection.  You arise in obedience to simply follow after Jesus.  You not only cherish His words and ways but you strive to walk in His footsteps.  You top this off with a continual praise and testimony of this salvation provided for you all the days of your life.  

This is what I would ask you if you asked the question, "Am I truly saved?"  I would ask and direct you to this pattern.  Has this happened to you and is it continually happening to you?  God's salvation is a life long transforming event the climaxes when we are in His presence in heaven.  We actively live out this salvation everyday while we wait for His second coming.

I am so thankful that this book, the Bible, God's words, keep teaching me all the days of my life how to take my next step and how to say my next phrase.



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