Luke 2:21-40 - "...according to the Law..." - The Righteous and Devout


I am getting a lot of time with my yellow snow shovel, red winter coat, and the white stuff behind me.  I feel I have been gone back about 40 years to our first appointment in Roscommon, Michigan.  A little church that did not have much in resources so I would shovel the parking lot when needed.  Last Saturday I did the same again 40 years later.  I am just so thankful that I am able to do it!  Over the years these manual labor tasks are never just what they seem.  It has always been a time to pray, go over my sermon, and discern over and decide on my most pressing concern.  So if it is shoveling snow, mowing the lawn, mopping or sweeping floors or setting up chairs for church, it has been a time with God in my mind while my arms and legs are in motion.

We are almost through our in-depth look at the first coming of Christ, Christmas or Advent in the common language of the Church.  We were able to look at a couple more witnesses that point to the Child as the Redemption of Israel and the world.  Simeon and Anna both attribute that this Child in the arms of Joseph and Mary was given to bring salvation to all nations.  He would be a light to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.  This is more confirmation for Joseph and Mary of what the angel Gabriel shared 9 months ago.  Our in-depth look at the events and the players has helped us to be more accurate about Christmas and therefore keep our focus on "why" Jesus came and not get wrapped up in the church and world created Christmas images and what gets emphasized over the good news that the Sacrifice for our sins has come.  

What was apparent in this passage is a pattern developing over the whole event.  God is communicating with those who are righteous and devout.  The old priest Zechariah is described as righteous along with his wife Elizabeth.  The virgin Mary has found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  Joseph is described as a just man.  Simeon is righteous and devout and Anna is found spending her time fasting and praying.  To be righteous is to be someone who is following divine laws.  To be devout is to be someone who is taking hold well and careful to whatever and in this case it would be God's words.  There were people in Jesus' day who were serious about their relationship with God.  The question is:  Who are the righteous and devout today?  Who would God be tapping on the shoulder today to be obedient to His eternal plan?

The answer should be the Church.  It should be those who claim Jesus as their Redeemer and Savior whose lives have been transformed and are being transformed to be more like Christ in a world that is running away from the ways of God.  We, the Church, are to be the righteous and devout who observes divine laws (the 10 commandments and the 2 greatest commands) and taking hold well and careful to God's words and His ways.  This will put us in a vulnerable position as each of these in the Christmas story and suffering possible consequences because of the ground we are standing upon.  It may be vulnerable or "on the wrong side of history" by the world's view but those who are righteous and devout are in the most secure place, the palm of God's hand.  The world doesn't understand our stand and conviction because their heart has not be touched by God.  

I go back to 1 John 4:14 which reads, "We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world."  John and the apostles were eyewitnesses, they have seen, of the One that God sent and also testify or willing to die for the One who came, died, rose again, ascended and is coming again.  As the Father sent the Son which is the definition of Christmas, it also gives why He came, to be salvation to the world.  These righteous and devout men were standing on this message and willing to be martyred for it as they were.  They did not lose their focus of why He came even though persecution and pressure to conform came their way.  So it is for the Church today.  We need to be zeroed in on Jesus all the more as the world tries to pull us in their direction.

What happens when the Church is not righteous and devout?  The effects always take us away from the mission that Christ gave His Bride.  It waters down the very words of Jesus and paints a different picture than God has designed us to be.  We, His children, the sheep of His flock, the redeemed by His blood are to be righteous and devout and our words and ways need to be seen in direct relationship to Him.



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