Bible Engagement...part 2...Matthew 18:12-15, 20

By Patisserie - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Nobody loves confrontation but can we back it off to conflict resolution? Conflict resolution within a body of believers is so important to have in place. Jesus gives His disciples the guideline of how to proceed forward in Matthew 18:15-20. Jesus gives us the steps but He doesn't give us the time frame between each of the steps. I am going to gather that it is longer because of grace than our instant culture demands at times. In the context of the passage Jesus is presenting a flip flopping of thinking to His disciples about their view of who is the greatest among other things that have taken the religious world in the wrong direction. Jesus also stresses the seriousness of sin and being in " search " mode rather than " stab " mode. As the shepherd searching for his lost sheep there is an " if " to actually retrieving the lost one. In regards...