Lord, teach us to pray....Matthew 6:5-15...God focused and gospel infused

The disciples wanted to pray like Jesus. They have heard Him pray; they have watched Him pray; they have seen Him go away by Himself to pray; and they have been in His presence when He taught on prayer. Disciples sound and act like their rabbi so the disciples want to pray like Jesus prays so He starts with an address like He would do, " Our Father... " The " Father " part signifies a relationship with Him that only comes through the redemption action of His begotten and beloved Son, Jesus Christ. The " our " part signifies other relationships with those who also call God their Father. I am in relationship with God and also in relationship with the family of God. I have always looked at the Lord's Prayer through the lens of personalizing it. What do I need today from the Lord? What sins do I need to forgive as I have been forgiven by Him? What tests and temptations require me to resist with Scripture as Jesus did in the desert? Th...