A month's focus on Prayer...May 2023...1 Timothy 2:1-8


This is the classic picture signifying prayer.  We have started our 5 month series on looking at the practices that Jesus did with His disciples.  One of them was prayer.  Jesus prayed; He taught on prayer; and He taught His disciples to pray sayin, "Our Father,..."

Each month will be one or two of Jesus discipleship practices along with some application/engagement points and a follow-up session to share our experiences of implementing this discipleship practice.  If we are to make disciples then we need to first be disciples and follow in the steps of our Master Teacher Jesus Christ.

Our text for this Sunday was 1 Timothy 2:1-8.  Paul is instructing younger Timothy to be a man of prayer for all men (v.1) and also to encourage the men in every place to pray (v.8).  So Timothy is being a disciple in v.1 and he is making disciples in v.8.  This discipleship practice of prayer is good and acceptable in the sigh of God our Savior (v.3).  

In the midst of this instruction on prayer is the gospel.  Verse 4 tells us God desires salvation.  Verse 5 tells us the truth that there is one God and one Mediator provided between God and man.  Verse 6 tells us what the one Mediator did.  He gave Himself as a ransom, a payment of redemption for men, in a witness or martyr form to make possible this salvation.

May we be in the practice of including in our prayers the gospel.  May we remind ourselves and thank God over and over for the gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.  May this practice keep our prayers focused on others to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.



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