Jesus' Discipleship Practices...Initiating Relationships and Passionate Prayer

The picture is that of Zacchaeus up a sycamore tree wanting to get a glimpse of Jesus passing by. He had no idea that Jesus knew his name or was to call him down from the tree to have a meal with him at his house. He had no idea that Jesus would defend him before the judging crowd. Jesus stopped, looked up and called out to him. Jesus initiated a relationship. We see this as one of the discipleship practices of Jesus and therefore also of us His followers. We have Zacchaeus's all around us and we need to stop, look toward them and speak to them by name. A couple principles to guide us as followers of Jesus are such: How we " do " things in life should be shaped by what we read in the Bible . Our " ultimate " and " prime " example to mimic is Jesus Christ our Lord. Another great initiating relationship example is Jesus meeting Matthew the tax collector and then going to his home for a gathering of tax collectors and sinners. ...