Advent 4 & 5...Christmas Through The Eyes Of Matthew...Matthew 2:13-23

This is a picture of a well near Nazareth, the town that Joseph and Mary came from and also the town they ultimately returned to with the baby Jesus. It has been our journey this Advent season to experience Christmas through the eyes of the gospel writer Matthew. I want to share a few things I will take away from this deep dive into Matthew chapters 1 and 2. First - the first recording below is just part of the message on Christmas Eve. We had some audio problems on this sermon called "The Dark Side Of Christmas" which covered Matthew 2:13-18. Thankfully the second recording includes some recap of the Christmas Eve material on a Christmas Day service covering Matthew 2:19-23. Here is my list. Matthew wanted his Jewish readers to see Jesus as their King who had come. 1) He shows Jesus not only of the kingly line of David in the genealogy but also the fulfiller of the blessing to the nations tied to Abraham. 2) Matthew identifies Jose...