Advent 2 - Christmas Through The Eyes Of Matthew - Matthew 1:18-25


Joseph was a righteous man, a man who observed divine laws, and it is evident by his decision to put Mary away secretly by a certificate of divorce rather than the more harsher punishment for being unfaithful to him during the betrothal period.  Joseph's plan was following what God's word said to do.

Joseph has a dream with instruction from an angel.  Angels carry the words of God and so God is instructing Joseph to alter his plan based on God's word to follow God's plan also found in His word.  

Joseph is to take Mary physically as his wife in the condition she is in (v.20, 24); Joseph is to call the Child within her by the name of Jesus, meaning God is salvation (v.21, 25); and Joseph is to fulfill the scripture, Isaiah 7:14, that she would be a virgin bringing forth this Child, by keeping her a virgin until the Child is born (v.22, 25). 

From "take" to "took;" from "call" to "called;" and from "fulfill" to "kept."  Joseph, a righteous man who observed divine laws practiced simple obedience.  Our God calls us, His redeemed children, to do the same.  We are to be children of God who practice simple obedience.  Our plans, which hopefully we base off of God's word in light of His principles and practices, can be changed to follow His plan, also based off His word.  The "tap on the shoulder" by the Holy Spirit should be followed by simple obedience to fulfilling His will in a certain situation.  Do we allow Him to interrupt our plans?

The Christmas message that we as Christians need to guard and hold is "Jesus Immanuel."  "Jesus" means "God is salvation" and "Immanuel" means "God is with us."  Smashed together, "The God was saves is with us."  This is the true message of Christmas that we need to proclaim as did the shepherds, the angels, Simeon and Anna, the magi and so forth.  Someone has come and it is not the guy in the red suit!

May we have a Spirit-led opportunity to share the true message of Christmas with someone this "most wonderful time of the year."



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