First sermon of 2021 - Biblical resolutions - #15 - Acts 7:20-60


A new year has come upon us after a year with many challenges and some of those challenges did not end with 12/31/20.  We take some of them into the new year albeit that we would have loved for them to have ended at the stroke of midnight and the dropping of the ball.  Pastors and church leaders continue to walk through waters that involve difficult decisions.  Here is an anonymous letter from a pastor to another pastor for some guidance during this time.  I think this gives a good indication of what is going on in the heart of a pastor.


I just wanted to ask for your prayers.  It’s been very discouraging dealing with all the Covid issues.  As a pastor, I feel like much of my life’s work is slipping away.

I know we can never please everyone, but I am so disappointed in our people’s lack of love.  When we closed on-campus services, some were upset with us.  When we resumed on-campus services, some didn’t like that.  We didn’t require masks, and some didn’t like that.  Now we are asking everyone to wear masks, but some have left our church because we require masks.

I’m concerned that for those who haven’t resumed attending services that it is a permanent decision, and we will never see them again.  It’s so sad. 

I am sorry to burden you with this, but I’m certain you’ve had to deal with these things too.  I need some words of wisdom.  '

Pray for your pastors and church leaders who have our spiritual care on their minds as you pray for those who have our physical care on their minds.  Remember that this physical life is temporary and therefore we do make temporary decisions based on the conditions that we are in but spiritual life is eternal and it requires a decision (a response) to Someone who is not temporary but permanent.  Christ has provided for His followers a permanent home with Him when this temporary life is done.  This is what we hold onto with great hope while walking through these temporary decisions.  May the permanent always shape our temporary.

I finish this post with some thoughts from Sunday's message.  I finished my time with the Machias Valley Baptist Church with the concluding verses of Acts 7.  The encouragement was given to continue through the book of Acts and I pray that I will be able to post future sermons here when given the opportunity to preach through this great book of the Bible.  

We finished with the challenge to make 2021 the year to be like Stephen who was following after Jesus.  

1.  Stephen made his defense by using the Bible.  

2.  Stephen made his offense by pointing others to "the" Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  

3.  Stephen had Jesus' words on his lips and used them in his everyday life.   

Finally, our study of the book of Acts has given us some great Biblical resolutions for this new year and every year of our lives.

1.  May I be more devoted to the words of God.  

How will I do this?  What information has crept in to take away from my time with God's word?  The result will be decisions which reflect what words are most important to me.

2.  May I be more devoted to the fellowship of the saints.  

The gatherings have been different this last year and probably will be for part of this new year.  Maybe they are not as large or "as usual" as before but will I gather, however I can, with brothers in sisters in Christ because they are my brothers and sisters in Christ?  

3.  May I be more devoted to the worship of Christ.  

My worship of Christ is seen in my response to everyday life.  Are godly actions happening at school, work and play?  What will help me to keep His presence before me and to guide me as I interact with my world?

4.  May I be more devoted to prayer.  

Will I make sure to pray as Jesus instructed His disciples with adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication?  Adoration - "Our Father,..."  Confession - "Forgive us our debts..."  Thanksgiving - "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done..."  Supplication - "Give us this day..."  Will I pause and pray along the way along with planning to pray with my scheduled time with God?  Will I pray more for and with my brothers and sisters in the Lord?

As a result of these devotions or Biblical resolutions is the byproduct of godly service.  Our service of God, the good works He has planned for His children, will be kept pure and not fall into the traps of guilt, mere duty, and for selfish means.  As the song says, "All glory be to Christ..."

Let us all pray for spiritual depth in our lives this 2021.



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