Chewing on Sunday - Acts 2:14-24 sermon post - and some Maine shots

We have had the privilege to be in Maine for another fall season and more family has been able to visit us. Here we are with my older brother Matthew and his wife Patti. We are at West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, the easternmost point of the United States. It was truly a beautiful day. This was a great place to climb out on the rocks, experience the incoming tide and its actions upon the rocks, and get another view of the lighthouse. My sister-in-law caught us 3 out on the rocks! One last picture of the trip and of my ever beautiful bride. We ventured into the very first sermon of the Christian church given by Peter. It is our fourth sermon in the study of Acts. It gave me an opportunity to speak about the importance of the preaching of God's Word when the saints are gathered. Preaching is highlighted all through the book of Acts. I am able to take this one sermon and stretch it over 3 weeks to cover a major point each Sunday....