Coronavirus #5 online sermon - Sunday reflections from listening to sermons of others to empty pews.

Something I have notice in myself and also listening to many other preachers during this time of empty pews is our "tone" has changed in front of the camera only.  I feel myself being more tense and less tender with my voice. I believe the people in the pews tenderizes our messages because as you are giving the sermon you are receiving various forms of feedback.

The search team I am coaching and myself at this time are watching many sermons of possible candidates but they are also preaching to a camera and empty pews.  Many sound a little harsh but then if we can go back a couple months and pick up another sermon, they are more warm in their delivery.  So it effects us when there are very many and also when there are very few. 

I was also able to view a sermon of the founding pastor of 50 years of the church that I am serving as an interim.  He has passed but his influence is still here in a very positive way.  The warmth of his voice was very evident as he spoke to those families and at the same time the voice was one of authority as he led this body of believers through God's word.  You could feel the atmosphere of the room and it was tied to his demeanor of love.

We can learn a lot by watching older preachers in the pulpit and I learned a lot today.  Many times it is not the amount of content that you have before you but rather the amount of compassion that you have for those who sit before you.



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