Another COVID-19 Sunday...getting more used to preaching to a camera

Another COVID-19 Sunday at Machias Valley Baptist Church.  The angle is different on this video because I'm looking at an IPAD camera filming a live feed.  I do like this shot because of the messaging behind me.  We need to reminder ourselves that Jesus is risen and though we suffer at times in "this age" there is "that age" to come promised by Him where no sufferings abide.

Next Sunday is Resurrection Sunday or more popularly known as Easter Sunday and we will observe it the best we can over our online channels.  We will speak of our risen Lord and the gospel message.  There will probably be more people who will hear the gospel than ever before because almost every church is utilizing the internet during these times.  I hope it can keep up with us and all the traffic it will receive next Sunday morning.

I am looking forward to Resurrection Sunday but I am really looking forward to what I will call "Reunion Sunday."  I don't know when that Sunday will be yet but when it happens I think it is going to be a glorious day.  I don't think we will be able to assemble like a "normal" Sunday.  I think everything about that Sunday will be magnified and rightfully so.  

It made me think of my mission trip to France during my college days.  I was on an international team and I was the only American.  I was attending French churches on Sundays but wasn't fluent enough in the language so I couldn't really participate in the singing or preaching.  Once during the summer, the mission organization pulled all the Americans together from the separate teams and had a worship service.  I couldn't help but sing at the top of my lungs!  What I had missed was now available and I was so thankful to belt out "I love Jesus!"  I think Reunion Sunday is going to be a little like that. 

 All over my calendar it says, "ZOOM!"  It has been a life saver for small groups, Sunday School classes, and team meetings.  I am always amazed at how we can adapt when we need to and it is definitely a time for the technology generation to serve the greatest generation through "stay at home" isolation.  I know there is some good coming out of this amongst the suffering but I do pray that it ends soon.



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