Ecclesiastes 1:1, 2 says,...

Today we embark on a new study into the book of Ecclesiastes.  Maybe by the end I will be able to type that name without it giving me the spell check warning.  Ecclesiastes comes right after the book of Proverbs and the word "ecclesiates" means "preacher" or "one who calls or gathers the people."  The authorship is attributed to Solomon and thought to be written later in his life as he warns those younger than he about what he learned in life.  Solomon is telling about his own personal pilgrimage through life and what he found to be vanity, a word he loves to repeat.  John MacArthur summarized the book this way,

"This book shows that if one perceives each day of existence, labor, and basic provision as a gift from God, and accepts whatever God gives, then that person lives an abundant life.  However, one who looks to be satisfied apart from God, will live with futility regardless of their accumulations."

Verse 1 says,

The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

Solomon is identified as the son of David and also the king in Jerusalem.  He gives himself the title of Preacher as someone who gathers the assembly together for instruction.  He will use this title a few more times in the scope of this book.  Solomon is saying, "Gather up people.  I have something of importance to say that deals with our spiritual lives, our relationship with God."

Verse 2 says,

"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher, "Vanity of vanities!  All is vanity."

"Vanity of vanities" is a way to say "the greatest vanity."  The day of all days or the event of all events or the love of all loves uses that same type of phrase structure to make a superlative of it.  Other words to describe the word vanity are vapor and breath and to act emptily.  Some versions use the word futile or futility.  This verse contains the Hebrew word "hebel" 5 times in this one verse.

In the course of this book we will come across at least 10 vanities.

1.  the vanity of human wisdom
2.  the vanity of human effort
3.  the vanity of human achievement
4.  the vanity of human life
5.  the vanity of human rivalry
6.  the vanity of human selfish sacrifice
7.  the vanity of human power
8.  the vanity of human greed
9.  the vanity of human accumulation
10.  the vanity of human religion

With that we will end our time today with just an introduction to this book that will help us get back on course with the temptations of life that compete with the completeness we have in God and His Son Jesus Christ.  Let us pray.

"Lord, we come to another book of Your book and ask for the Holy Spirit to walk us through.  May we be put back on track if we have wandered into the way of vanity.  Thank You for gathering us together to hear instruction, even the instruction that points out our sin.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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