Proverbs 31:18-22 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 31:18-22, which read,

She senses that her gain is good; her lamp does not go out at night.  She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands grasp the spindle.  She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches our her hands to the needy.  She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet.  She makes coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.

This worthy woman that is being described by the queen mum to her son king is very ambitious.  She is seeing a return on her labors.  She had planted a vineyard in the day and her she is weaving, distaff and spindle, into the night.  She is up before dawn preparing food and spending the day searching out good produce for the next meal.  Her priority is the care of her household and it requires her full attention and energy.

She is also someone who thinks beyond her own household.  She notices the poor and needy and stretches our her hand to them.  She actively gives aide with the thought of being aside those who are in need.  She doesn't just send a check but rather delivers the meal herself that she has made.

She is also preparing ahead for the winter.  The snow doesn't bother her because she has prepared her household with winter gear.  She uses the best materials for them, those that are fine, purple and scarlet and also makes her garments out of the same.  The clothing is made to last and has an appeal that is more than just one season.  It isn't going out of style and therefore resources are actually saved because the clothing is durable and fashionable over the years.  

The mother is instructing her son to look for the young lady who looks ahead to what needs to be done next for her household; looks around at those in need who need a helping hand; and looks for quality in everyday uses.  I don't need to say this but these are also good qualities for all of us, male or female.

We need to be ambitious with our responsibilities and see how it serves those around us with love.  We need to realize that the poor and needy will always be with us and it is a privilege to be the hands and feet of God to them at times.  We need to have an eye for what lasts physically and spiritually.  This lady is not a sluggard and she is not selfish and she is not shallow.  She is a go getter, generous, and goose-down when it comes to winter apparel.  

Check yourself here.  What are you doing with your time?  Does your focus go beyond yourself to those in need?  Do you honor others first with the quality of your life sometimes played out in things you provide for them?  We need to be like this lady.  Let us pray.

"Lord, we get selfish with our time; we get selfish with our stuff; and we get selfish with our image.  Mold us to be like You who was ambitiously getting the message of the gospel out to all the towns in Galilee.  Mold us to be like You who was also caring for the poor and needy amongst this mission You were carrying out.  Mold us to be like You who made sure we would hear teaching of authority and quality that we could put on to be children of royalty, wearers of Your purple.  May we see ourselves in this description of the worthy wife today.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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