
Today is an in between books of the Bible devotional.  I have been continuing to think about last Sunday's sermon on the Luke 5 passage containing Jesus' calling of Levi the tax collector as a disciple.  It reminded me of our summer adult Sunday School series on the "9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations."

The 9 arts are:
  • noticing
  • praying
  • listening
  • asking questions
  • loving
  • welcoming
  • facilitating
  • serving together
  • sharing 
In the Luke passage Jesus leaves the large group of religious leaders and "went out."  Now Jesus has exited the building and he "saw" Levi.  He noticed him.  He had a concern for this man sitting at the tax office.  After Jesus "went out" and "saw" He "said."  Jesus opened up His mouth and called to Levi to follow Him.  He wanted Levi to know who He was.  

What is interesting is that Levi follows Jesus' pattern.  Levi "went out" from the tax office.  He left the building.  Then Levi "saw" his tax collecting friends who he had relationships with.  He cared about them.  He cared so much that he "said" something to them.  He invited them to his house for a grand banquet to get to know his new friend Jesus.

I think it is just as simple as that.  We gather together with brothers and sisters in Christ to worship our great God.  We sing songs of praise; pray prayers of intercession; have fellowship with our church family; serve one another through church ministries; and read and study His word for application to our lives for greater glory to Him through obedient lives.  We then need to leave the building.  We need to leave each other.  We need to be people who "go out" with a purpose.   

As we are out, we need to "see" with eyes of concern those who God has put around us.  We see with questions to find out names and general interest about who they are.  A problem with seeing is that we are many times too busy to give more than a glance, let alone a stop and observe.  Many that we go by even have their name on a badge that we can register in our minds or say to ourselves.  God made us very perspective and it can be used for great good and glory to Him if we start looking at others like He looks at them.

So we are out and seeing and then we get the opportunity to "say" something about our Lord Jesus Christ.  We want those in front of us to know about our best friend, Jesus.  It might not be the whole presentation of the 4 spiritual laws but it could be an acknowledgment of God's strength and comfort in a tough time or a verse that guided you to do the right thing.  It could be to set up another time to talk about Jesus or an invite to a church event where Jesus will be talked about.  

All three actions are taking the initiative and following after Jesus' pattern just like Levi did.  I am so thankful for our weekly gatherings but I need to be praying about my "going out, seeing, and saying" away from the church gatherings.  To be like Jesus is to do these things and see what comes of it.  Levi, also known as Matthew, the lowest of low in the eyes of the Jewish people because he was a tax collector, was used by God to write a gospel about Jesus and give his life as a martyr witness of Christ's resurrection.  Who could be standing in front of us in the Lord that God uses our going out, seeing, and saying to make them aware of His presence?  

Simply follow Jesus and follow His lead.  That is the challenge today and for the days that God gives us on this earth.  Let us pray.

"Lord, You not only speak to us but You show us how to live.  You keep on point to what is important and Your eyes are always fixed on others.  We were once Levi and now we have the opportunity to see a Levi.  May we realize every time we leave the house and leave Your house is an opportunity to be used by You for the glory of You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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