Local church membership...

Today I would like to talk about local church membership.  I have been teaching our annual membership class at the church and it has put me to reading through the book "I Am A Church Member" by Thom S. Rainer again.  We use this small book as a base to talk about what it means to be a biblical member.  I am always searching for additional material along with our constitution, bylaws, and history and I came across an article by John Divito titled "Five Elements of a Church Membership Class" but there are actually six that he names.  He gives them in the form of six questions to answer.

1.  Who should be a member of our church?

Seems obvious but in church membership class you cannot assume that those coming already know and believe the gospel.  We have a lot of organizations that we are a part of so what makes this one different?  We devalue words and names so the title "Christian" can range from being a more good person than a bad person to someone memorizing books of Bible.  Those who are members of a local church are those who are believing in Christ for salvation.  Defining the gospel is a part of a good church membership class.

2.  Why should I be a member of a local church?

A quote from the article, 

"From the accountability that it brings to the practice of spiritual gifts among one another, I want those attending to recognize the importance of church membership and why we take our membership so seriously."  

These are two great reasons:  to be accountable to others because we need good biblical friends to help us grow and keep on track and to be serving others God has put around us.  We have been seeing these two points through our study of Proverbs.  

3.  Where should I be a member of a local church?

We talked about this on Sunday in our membership class.  What was on our "check list" or "short list" of essentials that a church possesses if we were looking for a church body to worship with?  None of the answers included a coffee bar named "He Brews" or a fog machine for the platform for the worship band entrance.  The lists included finding a church that is being true to God's Word, being authentic in worship, and seeing people who were actively living what God says.  Someone also mentioned that it be a place where people take the time to pray with you and for you.  Those were some "short lists" that were very encouraging to hear.

4.  What does our church believe?

Church membership classes need to always include those printed constitutions and by laws.  It is a time to print out those statements that help us to understand what we know from the Bible.  Sometimes these statements go against the popular thought of the day.  Another quote from the article was, 

"I would rather share with them what we believe the Bible teaches so that they will know what they will hear when they are members with us."  

We shouldn't have anything to hide or anything to be ashamed of if we are following after what is in God's Word.  Living out these words is the challenging part as we rub shoulders together with the "one anothers" of Scripture.

5.  What does it mean to be a member of our church?

What is expected of a member of our church?  This is where the book "I Am A Church Member" comes in handy with its six short chapters and corresponding points.  I will be a functioning, serving member.  I will be a unifying, non gossiping member.  I will be a principle member not a preference member.  I will be a praying member for my church and its spiritual leaders.  I will be a member who supports church membership in my home as a good thing.  I will be a member who treasures this membership as a gift from God to me as another way He shows how much He loves me.  A healthy church member abides by these biblical principles.

6.  How do I apply for membership?

To know the process is very important.  For us it three formal classes with the Pastor or a current Overseer.  This is followed by a one on one interview to go over the application filled out for membership and especially the writing out of the applicant's testimony of faith.  This testimony of faith is shared with the Overseer Board by the applicant and there is a time for questions and encouragement.  The Overseers take time to pray about the decision and either have further questions or recommend the applicant to the congregation for consideration.  The congregation of members meet to hear the testimony of the applicant that has been recommended by the Overseers and has and opportunity to affirm by vote and verbally the evidence of faith by the fruit of the applicant's life.  It looks intense but it is a time for us to get to know each other better to help see where the applicant is gifted to serve and where we can serve the applicant.  

The author ends with this, 

"Above all, I pray that Christ will be at the center of our church life together, with unity among our members while we serve our Savior and one another."  

Notice that the goal is to not be perfect by whoever's definition that is but to be Christ focused in all that we say and do.  Our faithfulness to Christ will take us as church members through what God puts in our path His way and for His glory.  Let us pray.

"Lord, thank You for the local body of believers that we call 'our church.'  Thank You for those brothers and sisters in Christ who help us to grow more in You and do as the Scriptures say to weep with us and rejoice with us.  Help us to see our part in this wonderful family of Yours.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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