Proverbs 22:16-18 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 22:16-18, which read,

v.16 - He who oppresses the poor to make more for himself or who gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.

Solomon gives us two unacceptable practices.  The first is taking advantage of others to your benefit and the others are those who are actually people that you should be helping rather than taking from.  The phrase "more for himself" let's you see that this action is feeding the sin of greed.  Again, we are doing just the opposite of what we should be doing for the poor and our focus is not on them but ourselves.

The second action is coming up alongside of the rich for the same reason.  We give to those who have hoping they will give some of what they have to us.  The giving back to us might be for recognition of who we are or to put us in circles of others who are also rich by the world's standards.  We are "brown nosing" them or "buttering" them up.  It is another selfish move that is focused on ourselves rather than those in front of us.  The rich need to be challenged to use their resources for others in need.

Both these actions result in a state of poverty.  The person might have more money and resources but they are farther from what God wants them to do and to be.  The problem is that these practices are very much used in our day and some even promoted as good.

v.17 - Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge.

My study notes let me know that Solomon is now going into a new section that will continue to give wisdom but in a different format.  The proverbs might be more than one verse long.  Most believe that this section that goes to Proverbs 24:34 is a compilation of 77 wise thoughts from those prior to Solomon's reign that were well known.  Maybe these were taught to him by his father David.  How we keep from following after the teachings of the world that we saw in verse 16 is to incline our ears and hear the words of the wise and apply our minds to the knowledge they give.

v.18 - For it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, that they may be ready on your lips.

Wisdom is to be known and remembered and recalled for use at the drop of a hat.  Instead of being in poverty like verse 16, you will be in a state of pleasantness for inclining your ear and applying your mind.  If something is within you then you will probably say it over and over again.  You will probably share it with others.  You will recall the proverb and apply it to what is in front of you.  You might also type of it in a Facebook post to your family and friends.  Solomon does not just want us to know of this wisdom but to use it and share it with others.

The question to ponder today is how much time and effort do you and I put toward the so called wisdom of the world in comparison to the known wisdom of God?  Do we allow the practices of the world to dominate us rather than the counter culture practices that God instructs us to be and do?  Have we put off inclining our ears and applying our minds and directed them elsewhere that has us in a state where God's wisdom is not ready on our lips?  Solomon will continue to introduce this section on wise thoughts in the next devotional before plunging into these 77 time tested, God provided, given by the wise following after God statements.  Let's prepare ourselves not just to hear them but have them ready to share with others.  Let us pray.

"Lord, how easily we can adapt to the ways of the world and maybe even start practicing what they are doing.  May we see when this is going opposite of Your direction for us.  May we see when we are not looking at the poor or the rich but rather ourselves and what we can get from them to selfishly feed our own desires.  Open up our ears and minds to You and help us to retain these things that are meant to be lived and shared with the next generation.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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