Proverbs 21:13-16 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 21:13-16, which read,

v.13 - He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.

This proverb deals with our compassion which is love in action.  The word "poor" can mean financially but also physically and emotionally.  Those in this condition cry out and he who shuts his ear to what he can do for them will experience the same thing when he is the one poor and crying out for help.  This is a simple proverb to understand but one that is hard to follow through on.  Sometimes our ears are full of wax and our compassion meter for others is running rather low.  Usually our focus is so much on ourselves that the only voice we hear is our own.  

v.14 - A gift in secret subdues anger, and a bribe in the bosom, strong wrath.  

Here is someone trying to solve the situation by giving something under the table or not with the fullest of honest intentions. The giving here is done the wrong way because it brings upon anger and wrath.  Our giving should bring glory to God.  Many times we try to give but under our terms and less than what we know God wants of us.  We give to just satisfy or reduce our guilt but we haven't given our ear fully to the situation that is in front of us.

v.15 - The exercise of justice is joy for the righteous, but is terror to the workers of iniquity.

This proverb is just the opposite of the previous one.  We replace anger and strong wrath with joy.  The righteous action of exercising justice or doing the right thing in the sight of God brings terror or ruin to those who are workers of exercising acts that are wrong in the sight of God.  When we follow after God it hinders those who are not.  The standard that we hold to because God said and that brings glory to Him has an affect on those around us.  It is not just a positive example to follow but also a warning sign to those who are shutting their ears to those God has put before them to offer compassion.

This makes we think of the New Testament account of the giving of Barnabas laid aside the giving of Ananias and Sapphira.  Barnabas' giving is in the open and right before the Lord in motive and procedure.  Ananias and Sapphira's giving is partiality open and definitely with impure motives that brought terror upon them.

v.16 - A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead.

Wow!  This could be another proverb uttered by Peter at that New Testament scene with Ananias and Sapphira being removed from the church service.  The words of God are life to us.  The following of the words of God put us resting in the assembly of the living.  We are to seek after them and be diligent to stay to the path God has provided through them.  Our wandering of shutting our ears and giving what is less than what God is asking doesn't just end in more selfish behavior and time or money for ourselves but a life described in these proverbs as someone who needs help but no one comes; someone who gives but under their terms and produces anger and wrath; someone who experiences terror because the right is before them but they choose to not follow; and someone who is wandering not to more self fulfillment but rather to death.  

Are your ears clean to hear and act upon what God wants you to do with those who are poor around you?  Again, it could be financially, physically, or emotionally.  Are you giving in those situations in a way that is holy and of what He asks rather than on your own terms?  Many times I have done just enough to get rid of them rather than press into the situation with God fully in view.  Many times what they are asking for is not what God wants to give them through you.  Sometimes they will reject what God has for them but sometimes they will hear His voice and rise up like the man before Peter and John who was asking for money.  Peter said we hear you but we don't have any of that but I will give you something.  Peter offered the man to rise up and walk under the power of God and he took it.  He got way more than he asked for and Peter and John displayed an example of those walking around with clean ears for God.  Let us pray.

"Lord, we may have a wax build up that we need to have cleaned out today.  We have stuffed our ears with our motives and agendas and muffled what You want us to hear today.  May we be aware of the poor around us for we also are poor and always in need of You.  May we see this giving as a gift to Your glory and may it have its full impact upon others receiving and observing.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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