Proverbs 20:21-25 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 20:21-25, which read,

v.21 - An inheritance gained hurriedly at the beginning will not be blessed in the end.

Does this proverb remind you of the parable of the prodigal son?  He asked or demanded his inheritance hurriedly or ahead of time.  His father was still alive.  What was the outcome of this hurriedly inheritance?  He wasted it and came up with nothing.  He came back to the father with nothing but his life.  I wonder if Jesus took this proverb and developed that story that had a different ending because the focus went off the getting a physical inheritance to receiving a spiritual inheritance by coming back to the father?

v.22 - Do not say, "I will repay evil"; wait for the LORD, and He will save you.

Don't ask for your inheritance ahead of time or by unjust methods and don't take matters in your own hands that are reserved for God to take care of.  We are also given other passages that say the lesson of this proverb.  Deuteronomy 32:35 says, "Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, in due time their foot will slip; for the day of their calamity is near, and the impending things are hastening upon them."  Romans 12:17 says, "Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.  Respect what is right in the sight of all men."  Hebrews 10:30 also quotes from the Deuteronomy passage.  Although we want to take a swipe at them or we want to fire back with what they have thrown at us we are to turn the other cheek.  Here is another proverb that was probably on the mind of Jesus as He said those words.  In summary, let the Lord do what He needs to do and don't add to His workload by Him having to correct you also.

v.23 - Differing weights are an abomination to the LORD, and a false scale is not good.

This was already mentioned in verse 10 of this chapter and also in 11:1.  God hates dishonesty.  This is something we need to remember in every area of our lives.  Our dishonesty can not only show up in commerce but also in our words and actions.  Don't get greedy.  Don't throw the punch.  Don't put your thumb on the scale.  What else are we not to do?

v.24 - Man's steps are ordained by the LORD, how then can man understand his way?

This is a question from Solomon about these practices that take matters into our own hands.  When we walk in the wisdom of God we have the experience of knowing God's promises fulfilled in our lives.  When we walk in our own ways, which are foolish, then we are rejecting and neglecting the direction of the One who created us.  We are not in charge of the final outcome.  We don't know what tomorrow holds.  Jesus tells us to not worry for what can worry do?  He holds yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  We are live today and live this day in light of His wisdom rather than creating some other system that will backfire because it doesn't have the knowledge and certainty of the future that God holds in His hand.  We understand the way we are going because we are following not our way but His way on how we live our lives.  Don't lead but rather follow.

v.25 - It is a trap for a man to say rashly, "It is holy!" and after the vows to make inquiry.  

One more foolish action is to make a vow and then inquire the depth of requirements of it.  It is like standing at the wedding altar to say "I do" to someone you don't know.  It is like signing on the dotted line without reading the fine print.  It is like making a binding judgement of something based on the first time experience and suffering through the hidden agenda that was just that, hidden from the first glance.  God's ways are deep and can be explored.  As you dig deep into His ways you will be able to dig deeper and deeper because it is God through and through.  His agenda is not hidden but well documented and He provides the fine print in large print format.  God does not want us to speak rashly but to speak confidently of things and the most sure thing we have in our lives is His love for us.  Let us pray.

"Lord, You have given us things not to do today.  Thank You for how we see these principles played out in other parts of the Bible and also from some of Your own teachings in the Gospels.  May we receive an inheritance from You and in Your manner of giving it.  May we do what we are commanded to do even in the face of persecution and leave the justice to You and Your ways.  May we be honest for You love it.  May we continue to walk in Your steps for You know where they lead.  May we rest in the mountain of evidence You give us of Your love so we can say confidently, 'You are holy.'  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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