Proverbs 19:9-12 says,...

In response to yesterday's sermon on God's choice, I would not want anyone to think that there is not a choice that we need to make on our level.  There is.  God has made a choice and because of His choice we have the opportunity through Jesus' sacrifice to make a choice.  Our choice is made at this time but His choice was made before all time.  Our choice is made by us who are created in the image of God but His choice is made by God.  As I read the Scriptures, God's words and ways are above mine and therefore His will and my will are not on the same level because He is God and I am not because I am a creation of God.  Both of these are addressed in the Scriptures, God's will and my will, but God's will is given the position of sovereignty and my will is given the position as a response to God's glory, purpose, and will for all time.   I made a decision to follow Christ.  I made a decision to bow to His will and stop following my own.  I said yesterday that God's decision doesn't nullify my responsibility to respond and I think I could turn it around to say that my human choice at this temporal time doesn't nullify His eternal choice for all time.  Just some more thoughts for I can not say all things to all men in one setting for sure.  Again, I am not the answer but God is and He has the final say and also the most perfect answer to be revealed to us clearly when the mirror is not blurred anymore.  That is the best that I can understand this issue at the time.  Here is the link to the sermon: 

Today's verses are Proverbs 19:9-12, which read,

v.9 - A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will perish.

This proverb is almost the mirror of verse 5 which reads, "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells lies will not escape."  This verse answers verse 5 because what will the false witness not escape and the answer is to perish.  There is a severity given to speaking falsely.  It is a big deal to God when we lie.  It will have consequences even though sometimes we can skirt some human consequences on earth, those lies to not fly under God's radar.  Actually, any consequences that we think we have avoided by lying on this level really have had consequences within us and do effect us immediately for it sets up how we will response the next time.

v.10 - Luxury is not fitting for a fool; much less for a slave to rule over princes.

The Bible does not promote slavery but it does acknowledge that there has been and there is slavery.  In the system of slavery, there are positions.  One is over the other.  Paul, being guided by the Holy Spirit, used that terminology to describe himself as a slave of Christ.  Christ has His position and we have ours and we are out of position to think that we would rule over Christ as a slave would be out of position to rule over the princes.

Luxury is used concerning possessions and slavery is used concerned responsibilities.  The fool is not equipped to handle possessions and responsibilities.  We need to be wise in following after God to handle what possessions and responsibilities He gives us.

v.11 - A man's discretion makes him slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression.

Oh to be slow to anger.  Many times we are quick-tempered.  We fly of the handle at the drop of a hat.  Someone spills the milk and we are instantly boiling over.  The key is discretion.  The word used for discretion means to wisely understand.  When I take a moment to step back and see the bigger picture, I will make a better decision on how I will respond.  I will make some space to gather more information and understanding before firing off that FaceBook answer.  God is saying this is a good thing.

We all make mistakes.  We all sin.  We all sin sometimes not knowing it is sin.  We all need correction.  We all need grace.  We have that opportunity to show grace to others as God has shown grace to us.  We have the opportunity in the face of other's sinful humanness to approach a transgression with grace that would produce the atmosphere for possible repentance rather than more retaliation against God.  Do we typically change our view of God and what God has set by someone getting mad at us for what we have done wrong?  No.  We need to see a picture of God's grace that compels us to want Him more than we want to sin.  We will actually want Him to take away our sin.

v.12 - The king's wrath is like the roaring of a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

The king has the position to give wrath and to give favor.  We are not the king in this proverb but subjects of him.  How will he respond to us?  Will he respond with wrath because he needs to because of our disobedience or will he respond with favor because of our obedience.  The wrath is scary like the roaring of a lion but the favor is pleasant like dew on the grass.  The dew on the grass is usually a sign that it is going to be a great weather day ahead.  You are looking forward to the rest of the day because you have the sign that it is going to be that way.  The roar of the lion means that what is coming is more than just the scariness of the roar.  

When I disobey the authority put over me by God that is operating in accordance to His will then wrath is coming that will be proceeded with more than just a roar.  When I obey the authority put over me by God that is operating in accordance to His will then favor is coming that will be proceeded with more than just the morning dew.  How will we respond to the king?  Let us pray.

"Lord what we say is so important to You that I want to surrender my mouth over to you today.  I want to say what is pleasing to you.  I want to respond even in the harshest situations with wisdom rather than my typical knee jerk reaction.  I want to experience favor rather than wrath because of my obedience from Your God ordained authorities and also from You.  Amen."

Pastor Adam 


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