Is The Bible True?...

Today is an in between chapters devotional.  Our next will start chapter 19 of the book of Proverbs.

How do we know that the Bible is true?  This is a question that people ask today and actually is a starting point before ever talking about Jesus.  The lack of Biblical literacy has left our nation in a state where we need to start the gospel at its source.  Previously we used to be able to say, "The Bible says..." and others would have some knowledge of it and maybe some respect for it but today many just have sound bytes at best of Bible knowledge.  

What would you say to someone who asked you that question?  How do you know the Bible is true?  I have been participating with an online coaching group on Monday nights to look at starting a group where those kind of questions are welcomed.  It is called Q Place and in strives to make connections with those who don't believe to have a platform to ask spiritual questions.  One of the assignments this week was to ask people the question, "If there is a God, what would be the one question you would ask Him?"  So I took this question to the Rootbeer Stand on Thursday and made my way around the circle.

There were some common themes like why suffering and questions on death and the afterlife.  One that I didn't expect was not a question but a comment after listening to their question and it was, "We need to do this more."  Validation.  We will seek it and we long for it.  It was hard not to answer those questions but that was part of the assignment.  I was to just listen to the questions and see what really is on people's minds because many times we are answering questions that they are not asking.  The goal of a Q Place is to introduce them to the Bible that answers their specific question so they get a real answer for this real book that God has given us and not a blurb from FaceBook or a sound byte for some form of media from a far right or far left extreme group.

But back to our question.  What would you say to someone who asked, "How do you know that the Bible is true?  Isn't it just a collection of fairy tales and changed over times to fit the times?"  This is where I have been spending some of my time lately thinking about what I would say to these types of questions to extend the conversation.  Here we go.

1.  The Bible is unique in its content.  

It is different that it has 40 different writers and has come from multiple continents and extended over 1500 years.  It is also unique that it makes sure that we see the good, the bad, and the ugly.  It gives us the moral failings of its heroes so it isn't hiding something from us.  It is also unique that its message is that no one is good.  The other books promote the doing of good to get to some type of paradise but the Bible is unique in its message that you can't do enough good to get to heaven but something had to be done for you by someone other than you.  The Bible is unique.

2.  The Bible is also confirmed by archaeology.  

Just take a look at the detail that is given by Paul in Acts chapter 17.  The Bible gives us facts that can be verified by other sources to show its accuracy in describing the times it was written.  Those in the field of archaeology go to the Bible for verification of what they find because many times the Bible is the only document that holds the names of people and places to what they have just dug up from the earth.  The Bible holds an important place in history because it records history.

3.  The Bible also gives a challenge to other religions to do what it is doing.  

Take a look at Isaiah 41:21-23 and 26, which read,

"Present your case," the LORD says.  "Bring forward your strong arguments," the King of Jacob says.  Let them bring forth and declare to us what is going to take place; as for the former events, declare what they were, that we may consider them and know their outcome.  Or announce to us what is coming; declare the things that are going to come afterward, that we may know that you are gods; indeed, do good or evil, that we may anxiously look about us and fear together.  Who has declared this from the beginning, that we might know?  Or from former times, that we may say, "He is right!"?  Surely there was no one who declared, surely there was no one who proclaimed, surely there was no one who heard your words.

The Bible challenges other religions of other gods to do what it does.  The Bible declares what has come before and also prophecies of what is to come.  It does this so we know how to live.  Our prime example in this area is the prophecies written before the birth of historical Jesus.  We can point in the Bible to prophecies of the Old Testament about the coming Messiah and then flip to the New Testament and verify the fulfillments.  Jesus is our exhibit A.  The goal of the Bible is to do this and it continues to do this as it says in Isaiah 42:8, 9, which reads,

"I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor My praise to graven images.  Behold, the former things have come to pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you."

The Bible is unique.  The Bible is confirmed by archaeology.  The Bible puts forth a challenge that it does itself.  Maybe these are better answers to that question to get them to look at the actual words of the Bible to see Jesus.  

Pray for me as I pursue those times to sit down with people who have questions and answer with statements that would want them to dig deeper into the subject.  Pray as I introduce the Bible to them for maybe the first time in a meaningful way.  God bless your day and week and let us pray.

"Lord, keep challenging us to see the witness that we are to have for You.  Help us to hear those who are saying that we should do more of this.  We can run at such a face pace that we blow by many who You have put in our path.  Help us to build those relationships so we can share You with them through our lives and the words of Your book.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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