Proverbs 18:13-16 says,...
Today's verses are Proverbs 18:13-16, which read, v.13 - He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him. This is a good proverb because you and I have probably seen it in action or we have done the acting! How many times have I said something when I should have been listening. The answer was coming, I was just not patient to wait for it. I didn't put my focus on the other person and kept it on myself and therefore the answer I got was my own and not a wise one. As I heard Pastor Jack say in the YMCA Bible study the other day, "That is why God gave us 1 mouth and 2 ears." A quick look at the words reminds us that "hears" means to listen with the intent to obey. "Folly" means foolishness and to be foolish. "Shame" means disgrace, reproach, and an insult upon. When we speak before using our ears and mind to hear to listen, then we are being foolish and it will result in putti...