Proverbs 15:26-29 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 15:26-29, which read,

v.26 - Evil plans are an abomination to the LORD, but pleasant words are pure.

Evil plans are usually made in secret.  They are not made public until they are played out.  They have at their base a plot to do harm to others that will be sprung upon them without warning.  God's people are not to operate this way.

Pleasant words are made public.  They are spoken ahead so that any plans made are based on what has been said.  The follower of Jesus will speak the words of Christ so that his or her actions will reflect His direction.  No one is caught off guard because it has been said and lived out in front of them and it is consistent.  It has a purity because it is out in the open and in line with our walking with Christ.

v.27 - He who profits illicitly troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will live.

Cutting corners; this will do; everybody fudges a little bit; and the like produce problems down the road.  We think we are getting ahead by some action of doing less than what we should but it bits us in the butt.  I am sure you have some examples of this as I do of not doing it right the first time.  We bribe ourselves to think it is okay.

The question is are we doing this with our relationship with the Lord?  Are we cutting corners?  Do we have the attitude that this will do?  Are we fudging and thinking it is okay and it won't have an affect on us or on others?  Is your relationship with the Lord stronger today than it was a year ago?  How would you come up with an answer to that question?  You would probably look at your actions and determine if God has more of you or less of you.

v.28 - The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.

Again, the Proverbs are not too far from saying something about the mouth and the tongue.  This proverb says the heart of the righteous ponders, so the answer comes from deep within after pondering it.  The righteous look at the situation from all angles and prays to the Father about what to do and say.  They groan over this process because they realize how important it is to honor God with their response.

The wicked does not ponder.  The answer from the wicked just flows out of their mouths with no restraint.  It has not been thought through to the effect it will have on others and also to the glorification of God.  The word for pour in this verse can also be translated "belch" and that gives a word picture of distaste when it hits the nose of another.

v.29 - The LORD is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.

We end today with a great promise of God.  The wicked have put themselves in the position to be far from God.  The righteous have put themselves in the position to be near to God.  The wicked are losing out on what is available.  The righteous are experiencing the benefits that only come from following in God's footsteps.

Have you been praying out to God?  What is your assessment to your proximity to Him?  Do your public words match up with your actions?  Do you give God your best or what is left over?  Do you spend time to think of Him and counsel with His word before you speak or do you just let whatever fly out of your mouth?  All these questions will help you to see your distance and the solution to experience the greatness of knowing that the God of the universe hears you.  We are so unworthy of it but God promises it to those who follow after Him.  Let's pray.

"Lord,  I have cut corners on You and I have paid for it and my family had paid for it.  I have spoken before I have prayed to You and I have paid for it.  Forgive me.  I want to go into a new year determined to follow Your voice alone and realize Your love and direction as never before.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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