Proverbs 14:31-35 says,...

Today's verses are Proverbs 14:32-35, which read,

v.32 - The wicked is thrust down by his wrongdoing, but the righteous has a refuge when he dies.

Have you noticed how the language dealing with the wicked always seems to have a harshness to it and an extremeness to the action.  This verse says the wicked is thrust down.  He doesn't just fall down or trip but is shoved down by his wrongful actions.  In contrast, the language used for the righteous seems to have a protective quality to it.  This verse says the righteous will have refuge when he dies.  There will be a shelter given when this physical life is over.  It doesn't mean that the righteous will not experience pain and sorrow during this life but something is protectively secure at his or her death.  To be shoved down by your own doing or to be gently covered or carried to safety at your death, which do you desire?

v.33 - Wisdom rests in the heart of one who has understanding, but in the hearts of fools it is made known.

What do we do with our understanding?  It needs an application or action step.  We know but what do we do with what we know?  The wise or the righteous follow actions and attitudes of God in relationship to that understanding and it becomes wisdom.  It rests or it has a place in the heart that guides that person through life.  The foolish or the wicked don't follow the actions and attitudes of God in relationship to that understanding and it becomes folly.  It can be hidden and disguised for a time but it will be made known that wisdom was not result of understanding but rather rejection.  

v.34 - Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

I think this is a verse that describes the United States.  We were a nation that was based on the principles and wisdom of Scripture.  It was taught in our schools.  It was supported in our homes.  It was upheld in our churches.  It was the moral code of our nation.  Because of its prominent role and the following of its standard of righteousness, our nation was exalted.  Our nation was given the title "A Christian Nation" even though we know that all were not Christian.  

We have stepped away from that moral code of the Scriptures as a nation.  We have discarded it and replaced it with personal interpretation of what is right and wrong.  We are the ones who are defining sin and many times it is not in agreement with God.  This is even happening in many of the churches of our nation.  What once exalted us is now gone and a disgrace has fallen upon us that will have its effect when dealing with world dilemmas.  A standardized moral code is essential for a nation to survive but if the code is not of righteousness it will not exalt.

v.35 - The king's favor is toward a servant who acts wisely, but his anger is toward him who acts shamefully.

Both servants are acting.  One is acting wisely and the other is acting shamefully.  The king is responsive to both of them.  He responses with favor to the one acting wisely and he responses with anger to the one acting shamefully.  I want you to notice that there is no middle ground and there is no one who is left out from the response of the king.  You are going to be in one camp or the other.  This is a theme seen throughout the Bible.  No middle ground is given.  No other group is described.  You are in and following after God with an awesome reverent fear of Him or you are out and disregarding His wisdom and instruction.  

Do you know where you will be when you die?  Will you be in His refuge?  Does the wisdom of God rest in your heart?  Is any exaltation in your life coming because you are following after God?  Are you experiencing the favor of the king because you are acting wisely?  Or are you being thrown down because of your own doing?  Are you hiding and disguising your rebellion?  Are you in the process of exalting yourself through your own definition or the world's definition of righteousness?  Are you experiencing the anger of the king because you are acting shamefully?  Again, there is no middle road or ground here.  Know from the proverbs to make the shift to be upheld in His arms rather than your own.  Let's pray.

"Lord, we end another chapter with words that show us the end of our actions.  We get what we deserve from our own doings or we receive from You what is amazing as a result of following after Your loving actions.  May we see that this issue is black and white.  You have made it that way so that we would not be confused.  May we follow after You confidently because Your love for us is confidently given.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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