Ephesians 4:11-13 says...

Today's verses are Ephesians 4:11-13, which read, 

v.11-13 - And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

Paul starts a list of some of the spiritual gifts given by God to His family.  The first four have a direct effect on all the others for they are the equipping gifts to prepare the rest of the saints in their gifts.  Let's look at these individually.

Apostles are sent out messengers of Christ to the people with God's gospel of grace through the cross of Christ.

Prophets are those who proclaim the revelation of Scripture and the coming of wrath or righteous judgment of God on those who do not follow or do follow its guidance.

Evangelists are those who proclaim the good news of salvation.  They are preachers of the message of Jesus to the general public.

Pastors and teachers are those who pastor or shepherd the flock or family of God and they do it in particular with the teaching of Scripture in its fullness.  Within the context of the church, those who are pastors are teachers and those who are teachers are pastors.

Some believe that the apostles and prophets are no more and they are replaced by the evangelists and pastor/teachers in God's design.  The apostles were the early church fathers and the prophets were the expounders of Scripture until the ending of the writing of the New Testament for no more revelation has been given and we are commanded to not to add to Scripture.  The duties of the apostles and the duties of the evangelist are similar in spreading the message of God's gospel through the cross of Christ but their titles are very different.  The duties of the prophets and the duties of the pastor/teachers are similar in expounding on the Word of God and the revelation affect on our lives but again their titles are very different.  The apostles and prophets were the founders of the church under Christ and the evangelists and pastor/teachers continue on with the mission.

What is the result of these is the same.  The use of these gifts was to equip the rest of us in using our gifts given by God.  Not only that but the equipping of the saints brought about a building up of the body of Christ.  Not only that but the equipping of the saints which brought about the building up of the body of Christ brought about unity and knowledge and maturity within the body of Christ.  All this came about as the then apostles and prophets and the now evangelists and pastor/teachers proclaimed the gospel and the Word of God. 

How important is the spreading of the gospel and the preaching of the Word of God?  God says it is very important to the development of the gifts within the body of Christ that leads to the building up of the body of Christ that leads to unity within the body of Christ and the knowledge obtained by the body of Christ and the maturity of the body of Christ.  These gifts are essential to the body of Christ coming into the fullness of Christ.  The church becomes full of Christ and all that He says and stands for when these gifts are being used to prepare the rest of the church to use the other gifts given by God.

Tomorrow will bring some more of what these gifts do for the body of Christ which is made up of individuals who have been given faith to see Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God.  Today, let's see how God has designed the giving of some of the gifts to prepare and train how to use properly the other gifts within the body of Christ given to each believer.  Let's see how God provided others, evangelists and pastor/teachers to carry on what was given to those at the first, apostles and prophets.  God cares for His children through the truth of Word being spread and taught so that His children can grow in maturity and service of Him. 

"Lord, thank You for the apostles who came first and the prophets who expounded on the revelation of Your word.  Thank You for the evangelists who came after to continue to spread the gospel message around the world and the pastor/teachers who continue to open up the Word of God for us to understand its meaning so we can serve You by serving others.  You gave gifts to help us mature in who You are and the result is to Your glory.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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