1 Corinthians 16:1-4 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, which read, 

Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so do you also.  On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.  When I arrive, whomever you may approve, I will send them with letters to carry your gift to Jerusalem; and if it is fitting for me to go also, they will go with me.

Paul has just got done instructing about one of the most important tenets or dominoes of the faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the dead and he follows it up with how to take up an offering.  It really isn't that simple but it seems funny to have this discussion after having 58 verses about the resurrection.

Paul is winding up this letter to the Christians in the church in Corinth and he has shared with them about the persecuted and needy Christians in the city of Jerusalem.  He has been taking up offerings from all the outlying churches to help in the effort of feeding those in the "mother" church back home.

The idea that they were to gather in a systematic way on the first day of the week gives some indication of the churches of Christians meeting on that day which would have been Sunday.  It also gives us the indication and instruction that our giving should be occurring regularly and as a part of our worship time together.

Paul is encouraging them to give as much as they can.  If they have much then give much and if they have little then give little but all to give and put it together for this gift for the needs of others.  They would be represented by one of their own to take this gift to the churches in Jerusalem and this was so important to Paul that if it was required for him to go also, that he would go with them.

Paul gives this opportunity such a prominent place in this letter.  He also shows that he hasn't given up on the Christians in the Corinthian church.  They sure were messed up in many areas but Paul is looking for them to get back on the right track and he gives them a practical need to do together until he gets to them to see them face to face. 

So they are going to gather on the first day of the week and they are going to collect an offering on behalf of others.  He is pointing them to be others centered rather than self centered as they were before.  A simple instruction to start the process of getting them back on track while thinking and caring for others as a group rather than having the "look at me" mentality. 

We may need to take that first step in the right direction today.  We have gotten off track with God and we know what is the right thing to do and we just need the simple instruction to do something in the right direction which will lead to another and hopefully that totally surrendered life of following Christ.  What is the right thing you need to do today? 

"Lord, thank You that Paul gets very practical to get the Christians in the church of Corinth to stop thinking about themselves and thinking about others.  Thank You for the instruction that had them doing something together rather than putting any one person up on a pedestal.  Guide me to see the simple instruction I need today to follow so that I keep others centered by loving You and loving others.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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