A break from the devotional...

Hello all,

Just a break to spend some time with our grandchildren and also to read some other materials.

I just finished a book call "Me A Culpa" by Kyle McClellan.  It was a book that talked about learning from mistakes made in ministry.  I could very much relate.  I wrote in the margins some of the names of the churches I have pastored and situations that related.

I think the quote I will give you is this one about the importance of the place you are placed by God.  "Loving the gospel is one thing, loving the people you serve is another, but you must really learn to love the place you minister as well."  I need to continue to learn to love my new place.

Now I am onto a book called "Tough Topics 2" by Sam Storms.  He starts off with the topic of the trinity and ends with the meaning of 666.  I should have all the answers when I am done with this one.  Ha ha ha ha....

Pastor Adam


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