1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 says,...

Today's verses are 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, which read,

v.12, 13 - But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work.  Live in peace with one another.

Paul has been so thankful and encouraging to the Thessalonian Christians.  He is has given them comforting words to hold unto even in the midst of persecution.  Now he gives them something very practical to do right now in the midst of their own congregation.

Paul is speaking to them to appreciate their spiritual leaders in the body.  He gives three qualities of these spiritual leaders.  They "...diligently labor..." is the first.  They are actually doing the work of the Lord and are pursuing it.  The second is "...have charge over you in the Lord..." meaning they oversee the flock as a shepherd oversees his flock of sheep.  They are concerned and care for the spiritual nature of you individually and the congregation.  And the third is "...give you instruction."  They bring the truths of the Bible to light in formal and informal situations.  Those are the spiritual leaders that Paul is instructing these Christians to appreciate.  You are to appreciate them greatly because you see that they are working for the Lord, for the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

The last phrase of these verses is "Live in peace with one another."  It is another way of saying that we will have to submit to their leadership which should be leadership that follows the word of God.  That submission brings peace to the body of Christ. 

I can not tell you how much this relates to me, your pastor.  I read passages like this and I don't say, "Wow, I wish they would appreciate me more."  But rather, "Are You sure God that You have the right guy for this job?"  It is an huge weight to lead a group the way the Bible says to.  This applies to that small group leader or the Sunday School teacher too.  So, when we see our spiritual leader in whatever context leading as the scripture says, we are to appreciate them.

v.14,15 - We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.  See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people.

Paul gives a bunch of short commands as he is getting to the end of this letter.  Let's look at them individually.
  • "...admonish the unruly..." - Those who are out of line need warning and instruction on how to get back in line.
  • "...encourage the fainthearted..." - Those who are wavering in their faith need someone to come alongside of them to walk with them to be strong in the Lord again.
  • "...help the weak..." - Those who are new to the faith need immediate attention to the ways of God.
  • "...be patient with everyone." - This is a general command because Paul has just given us someone who is new to the faith, someone who is wavering in the faith, and then someone who is going against the faith.
  • "...See that no one repays another with evil for evil,..." - We are to be a forgiving people not a revenging people.  We help our brothers and sisters in Christ to forgive others.
  • "...but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people." - Acts of goodness and kindness should be the sought after in the church that spreads out the community.
I try to get a picture of this in action in the church.  It makes the church very active in the involvement of our spiritual lives.  We can deeply care about each other but we are to care deeply about each other spiritually.  Paul started these two verses with "We urge you, brethren,..." so this is of high importance to care for each other spiritually.

I think this is something we need to look at as a church or an evaluation of any church.  Do we care about each other past our physical needs?  Do we act of behalf of others for their spiritual lives?

"Lord, the phrases looked great today but now I see that they can be very convicting to us in the church.  We could very much be a church that doesn't do these things that we are urged to do.  We could care physically for one another but never get the spiritual element which is eternal.  Please help us to care for one another more deeply today.  Amen."

Pastor Adam


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