Sunday prep coming together...

I am approaching my last sermon in Matthew with great anticipation.  It really isn’t the end of the book but really the climax of the message.  Jesus told His disciples from the onset that they would be fishers of men.  Jesus then picked them, spend time with them (3 years), taught them, trained them, taught them some more, lead them, and now He is going to commission them as “fishers of men” just like He said from the beginning.

It is a challenge to me and it will also be a challenge to the church to take on this commission as the disciples did.  Those of us who are available and worshiping who Jesus is and submitting to the authority of Him need to see the need or better yet command to obey this final instruction from our Lord to “go and make disciples...”  We have probably all have been guilty of the sin of omission in this area of our lives.  “As we were going...” not making disciples and baptizing them and teaching them to the level of fully devoted followers of Christ.  If we are not doing this, then are we not yet fully devoted followers of Christ?

It is time to crank this engine over called GFF (Gaylord Family Fellowship).  I remember as a kid with our old Ferguson tractor.  It had a 6 volt battery but in the winter it would not turn that engine over.  A definite bump in the road to getting done whatever you had planned but there was the back up crank that allowed you to start that engine without the help of the battery.  It was some work but worth it to get the horses of that engine going.  I think the church has a low battery at times and it seems like a big bump in the road to accomplish what God wants done (through us because that was His choice) and we need to get out the crank to wind us up to remember the glorious grace of which and in which we have been saved.

How can I not share this with others that God puts in my path?  How great is that grace that I can keep it within?  Am I available?  Do I worship (in love) Jesus?  Am I submissive and agree that His will is so much greater than my own?  Then I need to obey and realize that the obedience He wants me to follow does not come without a promise.  He will be with me on this endeavor just as He was with the disciples.  He will be with me when it soars with that person taking a step in God’s direction and He will be with me when it drops when a person who I thought was coming along takes a turn down the wide road. 

The given is that He will be with me and not in the number of results.  I am sure that there will be at least one disciple if I follow through on this but He makes the command in the plural so I guess I can assume that there will be two or more that I will see in my lifetime. 

Time to get out the crank.



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