Some random thoughts...

     First - watching the morning news is sometimes so shocking after having a worship service like we had yesterday.  To see clips of the Grammy's about a whole other world that is so focused on self and on things so opposed to the words of the Bible is sometimes so overwhelming.  The hard part is that so many will have watched that and Christians included that didn't take the time to be in church that morning in worship of the only One who deserves it.  We live in a world that is ever changing and going the route of Romans 1 and the message and life changing power of Jesus is needed so much in this day.  I question sometimes of how we bridge the gap.  It seems so wide.  There has to be a way because Jesus gave us through the Word and through His disciples to "Go and make disciples..."  I need to continue to as Voddie Baucham says, "make more of Jesus..." this day.

     On that note some reflections on the scripture passage from Sunday - Matthew 27:1-10, Matthew puts these 2 figures side by side, Peter and Judas.  We watched the downfall of Peter from a boast of his spirituality to a defiance of what Jesus was telling him to an indifference about the spiritual disciplines again spoken of by Jesus to an impulsive move to handle a situation in the world in a worldly way instead of a Godly way to not one but three denials (lies) that grew each time he opened his mouth.  And then we get to breathe as he remembers what Jesus said and he gets alone, physically out of the situation, and weeps bitterly having deep remorse for his actions.  We know the rest of the story that unfolds about Jesus restoring him and also the way God used him after the ascension and the start of the church.  It is one amazing story.

     Right along side of the story of Peter is the story of Judas who took a totally different route.  Instead of looking to Jesus or remembering what Jesus said, Judas went back to those who were not following Jesus and sought help from them but got none.  He tried to ease the guilt through a quick fix of just returning the money and that turned into "I will get you back" by throwing the money in the priest area of the temple.  It ended with him solving the situation by hanging himself from a tree but we know the rest of the story that his death did not end his sin.  The only One who can relieve us of our sin is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice.

     It is so amazing to me that Matthew gives us another account that makes us choose between to the two.  Wide way or the narrow way, etc...Peter or Judas is another to add to the list of "are you going this way or that way?"  Probably tying back into the world we live in, the ways are becoming so polar opposites.  Christians, even when you fall, as the old songs, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full into His wonderful face, and the things of earth will go strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."



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