Another day of no school in the area...

     It has been a quiet week for us around the church because the local schools have only had 1 day so far this week.  The weather has been so back and forth that we go from heavy snow to ice covered roads to navigate.  I am back up to 2 wood stoves roaring from just barely keep 1 going a few days ago.

     This weekend for me includes a men's breakfast and the usually Sunday fair with a all-church potluck thrown in.  The men's breakfast is a great time to keep my focus on the men of the church.  It has been our practice to see this a one of the most important ministry focuses of the church over the years.  We are gearing up to a men's spring spiritual retreat using a series called "Stepping Up" by Family Life and so this Saturday I was able to find a video of a man "stepping up" and the result of it.

     This weekend also marks the beginning of the end of a great relationship with a member of the worship band.  They are headed out to another church plant in another state to be the worship leader.  I remember when they walked through the doors of the church.  God really has done a restorative work in their lives to see them take this step.  Another reason I love this church so much as it gives grace and provides instruction from God's Word to heal and grow.

     This Sunday lands us on the passage "Who do you say that I am?" that is in Matthew 16.  I am going to spin off of this to look at how we look for a church and also to see the foundational bedrock of Christianity that we need to stand upon every day.  A veering from this truth has put us in the mess that we are in.

Well, back to the snow blower again...



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