Am I washing my hands or my heart?...

Sunday morning yielded a great time of communion.  I went back to something that I did when I was first in the ministry.  Communion was done at the altar and I would personally serve each one that came.  It put me in front of almost everyone in the church.  So last Sunday I stood at the back of the sanctuary with the bread and the cup and served those who came for communion.  I was amazed at the words that came to me in those brief moments with people of the congregation and many said it blessed them but it really blessed me.  I was humbled to think that God would use a little guy from a little known town to serve people, especially those who have turned to Christ since being here, and continuing to let them know of the love of God.  It was much needed for "me" to do this.

Sunday also yielded Jesus finishing a thought started in Matthew 13 with the kingdom parables.  After teaching the major one, the parable of the soils, He lets the disciples see those 4 soils in action as they go on their way.  Now we turn a corner.  Matthew 15 starts out with the religious leaders questioning Jesus again and Jesus answers a question with a question and then a judgment about their actions.  They had reduced the relationship with God down to just what they say and "how" they worship and the rules they made up to make them look holier than others.  Jesus gives some of the strongest rebuke here.  They were basing holiness on the externals while Jesus was teaching holiness based on the internals.  They were so consumed with making sure they had not only washed their hands but washed them in the "right" way that they had neglected to let Jesus wash their heart.  If you don't let Jesus wash the heart, the hands really won't do you any good.

Sometimes I come across a spiritual truth, as the one stated above, and see it in the physical world  also.  I heard one say in my searches for better physical health that all the exercise in the world will only do you so much good, but if you first look at what you are feeding yourself then the exercise will have greater benefit.  I think I have seen this played out in my life.  I have sure spent a lot of time at the gym while not concentrating on what I was putting into my mouth.  If I start with nutrition then the exercise that I do will have a greater impact.  One really needs to come before the other.

So I am challenged to give Jesus my heart to wash so that my hands can reflect Him rather than the efforts of myself.  Holiness comes from the Lord and I sure can get off track in a hurry in this area.  I am thankful that Jesus drives them back to what the Bible says rather than what man says especially through traditions.



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