Leap year post...

     It looks like we might have a late winter this year.  A standard rule for the north is that if school is cancelled then all activities at the church are cancelled too.  Usually that means that Stephanie and I get some more time at home to workout, clean the driveway, bring in wood, and study other material not destined for the next event.  Even though school is done for us in regards to kids, we still love our snow days.

     Health-wise, I had my visit with the oncologist.  Blood drawn and the numbers were good.  My white blood count is almost as high as when I started all of this before chemo, radiation, and surgery.  My red blood count is maxing out.  My cancer number will come in a few days.  This is a year of follow ups with a colonoscopy in July, maybe the port removed and another CAT scan in April.  I drag my feet on these for obvious reasons.

     Matthew 5:17-26 is the passage for this Sunday.  Jesus starts off talking about not abolishing the Law but rather fulfilling it.  He puts the Law on a high scale and then starts giving us examples of us fulfilling it in obedience.  The first to tackle is murder and Jesus goes back to its source, unresolved anger.  Man's laws are nothing compared to what Jesus requires of us.  Man's laws are written in such a way that many try to find a loop hole or maybe it is even written into the law.  Jesus' laws call us to total obedience and an even deeper devotion to Him as we obey.  This includes the passage that talks about leaving your gift at the altar and making things right and then coming back to the altar.  This is communion Sunday so I am thinking of how to make a practical application of this.



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