Moving on to Malachi...

     I am trying to firm up my sermon for Sunday because I need to prepare two this week to cover the Sunday we will be gone in November.  I have a hard time going from one to the other unless I have one completed before starting the next one.  Malachi will be the book of the Bible we will cover over the next 4 Sundays leading up to Christmas and the New Year which both land on Sunday this year.  I also hope this will be a great lead in to covering a gospel book after the first of the year.

     Sunday was a great day with finishing up the book of Jude.  Again I am driven back to the basics and how important it is for the Christian life to keep up with them.  I have watched too many people abandon them with excuses of "other" things and seen their spiritual life slide south.  We open up the door to the devil when we fail to keep the door open to God on a regular basis.

     I always stress the "last" words of the books of the Bible as important messages that the author wants to make sure he gets in before signing off.  The last words of Jesus on the cross.  The last words of Paul to whatever church he is writing to.  Well Malachi is the last words of God to His people before 400 years of silence.  The next time that God would speak would be through the angel Gabriel with the message of a son to be born to Zechariah and Elizabeth.  We will be looking at what God wanted to be sure was communicated before this silence.



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