Jude, round two...

     First post of November.  Next month will mark a year of keeping this blog.  I am so thankful that I am turning the corner and writing more about the next sermon and my own thoughts than just about my physical health.  So back to Jude.

     I am going to take another run at this on Sunday.  It is the first Sunday of the month so it is also communion Sunday for us.  I am planning on reestablishing the author, audience and agenda of the book.  Author:  Jude, half-brother of Jesus.  Audience:  those invited and dearly loved and guarded by God.  Agenda:  warn the church about false teaching and teachers.

     It is interesting that the 2 points that Jude brings up that the false teachers are emphasizing are the same that happen today.  The first is taking advantage of the grace of God especially in areas that deal with making us feel good.  The second is painting the picture of Jesus to be something other than "the" way, "the" truth, and "the" life.

     Jude then lists out many of their actions and labels them as "ungodly."  He then gives their destiny of judgement by showing how God has dealt with ungodliness in the past.  He uses those not going into the Promise Land because of their unbelief.  He uses the angels that fell with Satan for wanting to be God.  He uses the sins of the cities of Sodom and Gomorroh and their final destruction.  Then Jude uses 3 Old Testament characters:  Cain, Balaam, and Korah.  Cain didn't bring his best to God.  Balaam tried to use God to his monetary advantage.  Korah rejected the authority of God's appointment of Moses.  Selfishness, greed, and pride.

     Jude also throws in there that the church has been warned that false teaching and teachers would come.  It was predicted by the apostles of the Lord.  We should not be surprised that people would take the gospel message and try to make it into something else that would benefit themselves.

     Here is where I really want to go back to last Sunday.  As we guard against this within our own church, what are the things that we need to make sure we are doing or not doing that could lead us down the wrong path eventually?

     Hidden reefs - hidden agendas.  Do I come into the house of the Lord for some other reason than to worship God?  When we worship Him, we get so many benefits but do I come for the benefits and the worship of God is optional?

     Waterless clouds - consistent promise breaker.  Do I hold my word with others and especially with God or do I make excuses to others and to God on a routine basis?  Back to the idea of worship, when do I show up to church for this awesome congregational event to worship God?  Am I consistently late for this seemingly very important activity?

     Fruitless trees - void of spiritual fruit.  Am I a "display only" disciple?  If you dig a little deeper into my life, would you find more of Jesus or less of Him?  Usually this is tied with how much you serve.  I have heard many times, "I could be gone and no one would know it."  My response would be, "Then you need to get more involved so you would be missed."

     Wild waves - foaming up the dirt.  What comes out of my mouth?  Do I speak well of my brothers and sisters in Christ or do I bring up their dirt?  Some of the most harmful and harsh words have come within the four walls of the church.

     Wandering starts - here today, gone tomorrow.  What is my commitment level?  How quick are you to quit on God or His ways?  The Bible is loaded with how to live and they are meant for your lifetime, not your convenient time.

     Looks like I got more of my ducks in a row for this Sunday.



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