Man's way or God's way...Matthew 5:27-32...People: "Adultery". Jesus: "Lust"


My first summit is Shadow Mountain at 10,160 elevation.  It was on my mother's birthday, July 9th.  She would have been 90 years old.  It is amazing that she has been gone for 16 years.  Here is a view from the top.

On the way up on another vantage point is the old Shadow Mountain Fire Tower.  It is not manned and there is a plan to renovate it so people can go up again on the catwalk and experience a 360 view including Lake Granby, Shadow Mountain Lake, and Grand Lake.  It was an 11 mile day and I was beat when I got home.

Jesus is giving us God's way and man's way.  God's way when dealing with anger can lead to reconciliation and back at the altar of worship.  Man's way when dealing with anger can lead you to court and possible time in prison.  God's way when dealing with lust upholds the marriage covenant created by God between His created man and woman as the two become one.  Man's way when dealing with lust could lead to divorce for reasons short of Biblical exceptions and impacts others with our sin.

Whenever I speak on marriage, divorce, and possible remarriage, I pray for one on one conversations to follow.  There are so many personal questions and situations that needs a cup of coffee with a brother or sister in Christ with the whole of the Bible open to receive godly instruction forward.  

What leads couples to divorce?  Whatever the action, Biblical exception or not, is going to be rooted in sin and/or ignoring the instruction from God of how we are to be loving one another.  We know that marriage is a picture of God's love for His bride to the world and it should be prevalent within the church body.  Today with so many going man's way even within the church body, I fear has blurred that image that God has created to show the world the beauty of the New Covenant.  

Therefore, the more we follow the instruction of God to have marriage covenants that guard against sins like lust, the more the witness of God's love will be seen.  Lets do that!

Adam. (sermon at the 30:00 mark)


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