Make the Connection...Matthew 2:13-18

The new flags are an attempt for make our building more visible to those traveling up and down US Highway 34 on their way to and from Grand Lake, CO. We want them to make the connection that this building is connected to a body of gathered believers. Matthew is doing the same in the opening chapters of his gospel. He is trying to make connection points for his audience, the Jewish readers, who need to know that this one born King of the Jews as the wise men said is truly the long awaited Messiah. Matthew used a genealogy, a memorization tactic, references to the Old Testament scriptures, and now moves to talking about the 2 big events of the Israelite nation, the Exodus and the Exile. Just as it was in the Exodus and just as it was in the Exile, so it is now with the coming of the Messiah. Some of what the prophets wrote about had a dual purpose, not just for the now but also for the future. In this passage we see the continuing theme of Joseph's sim...