The emptying of our nest of 4 beautiful children has allowed us to reset our lives by living light for the sake of spreading the Light through the local gospel ministry of the Stillwater Community Chapel. ( This blog is the musings and ministry of the Wolfgangs as we have gone wherever God leads. May we always live light and in the Light, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
God gave us a good weather window to travel...yeah God!!!
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Berthoud Pass
Here we are at the top of Berthoud Pass. It was a whirlwind week to conduct a "hand off" service in Wisconsin on 3/17 and then preach a Palm Sunday sermon in Colorado on 3/24. We give God all the glory for this happening. So there are two video links at the bottom of this blog. One is for the Wisconsin service and the other is for the Colorado service. I racked up over 12,000 in the last 7 weeks.
I love to take these pictures sitting from the front row of chairs and listening to the one God has provided for the church I had been serving for 20 months. I now have 3 and I am so thankful for the opportunity God gave us to serve Him in this type of ministry over the last 5 years. It has been great to add to our daily prayer list Zach in Maine, Chris in Ohio and now Stephen in Wisconsin.
This was our set up for the 2000+ mile trip. No "hiccups" except for the strong eastern winds in Kansas. Of course everything was quite a bit dirtier when we arrived. We were so thankful that Stephanie didn't have to drive separately and we could enjoy the trip together along with Buddy our dog.
My part of the service in Wisconsin was to commission to new teaching pastor. 2 Timothy 3.16-4.6 was the text I used. It is a text that I am speaking back to myself as I am charging another with the calling of a pastor. My points were:
We elevate God's words. 3.16
God's words equip the man of God. 3.17
We acknowledge the true audience. 4.1
Our what is to preach the word; our when is in and out of season; our how is to mirror what God's word does in v.16; and our why is because they will not endure sound teaching. 4.2-4
How we are to be is very important. 4.5
God provides shepherds for His flock. 4.6
It was great to collaborate with the district superintendent and it is sweet to have the new teaching pastor end the service. The "hand off" is complete.
I enter now a new phase of ministry at the Stillwater Community Chapel. I went from my assessment of a packed house of maybe 300 in Wisconsin to a small group of 25 with 10 being children in Colorado. The shift in delivery and style couldn't have been more drastic. Stephanie plays the piano and I lead the songs for now and we are starting to walk through the Gospel of Matthew. We jumped ahead to the Palm Sunday passage and will do the same for the Resurrection Sunday passage this week but then we will venture back to Matthew 1.1 and track it all the way through.
Trying to be more interactive, I pulled out the white board but I also asked questions looking for answers from those in attendance. At about mark 30:30 I asked a question about what the children were doing and a grade school boy answered the question so perfectly(turn up your speakers to hear). God made the point as it was in His scriptures that the young are to cheer him and give perfected praise. It was the highlight of the morning. It was probably the most convicting too. Our children watch our actions and are mimicking them.
I know many were praying for us on this transition. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I are excited to see what God is going to do amongst the mountains of Grand County.
Resurrection Sunday has come and gone but it was a sweet day to be with the gathered saints of the Stillwater Community Chapel . We are venturing through the Gospel of Matthew and this Sunday will take us back to Matthew 1.1 but last Sunday we were in Matthew 27.62-28.20. It was a lot to cover so the white board was truly a help to keep me on track. This year in my Resurrection Sunday message, I focused on the contrast of the cover-up story of the disciples stealing the body of Jesus fueled by a bride and the commission of speaking of a risen Lord fueled by boldness . After the service upstairs, we ventured downstairs to the lower level and had a great meal together. The conversations around the tables allowed us to continue to talk about the passage of Scripture we covered upstairs. Maybe this is a very informal picture of what happens at the Waushara Community Church called the " Going Deeper " classes of the Come For More hour following t...
This is a week of lasts. The last day in the office, the last full sermon to the WCC congregation, the last Tuesday morning men's group, the last fish on Little Hills Lake, the last WCC staff meeting, and the one that hits probably the hardest is the last coach call with the man who has walked with me through these 3 intentional interims, Lynn Kent. I know that I will be in contact with Lynn in the future but his counsel has been priceless over these 5 years and 3 interims. I wish I had taken a picture of us both but we have actually only met in person 2 times over the 5 years. The role of a coach is so important to fulfilling a demanding task. At times I truly felt like the player on the bench being sent into the game by my coach standing at the end of the bench but this coach many times was kneeling in prayer on my behalf. A huge thanks to Lynn! The top picture tells the story of this blog post. A new name is on the sign for WCC! ...
Hoping to be able to follow your teachings from the Book of Matthew. -Francine