Galatians #13 - Galatians 6:6 - Attendance, Attention, & Acceptance

This was our one verse this Sunday. It was also a Sunday to prepare for a candidate weekend of a possible next teaching pastor at the church where I am an intentional interim pastor. If you listen to the second half of this sermon/talk you can get a glimpse of what I have been doing for the last 5 years. It is humbling to be used of God in this way to walk with part of God's family through a transition. The verse above begs of application. How do we fulfill this command? Again we have two parties represented, the one who has received the instruction from the word and the one who has given the instruction from the word. The one is sharing and the other needs to receive to fulfill this verse. Both can have their difficulties. For a start we can be in attendance on a more regular basis when the instructor is teaching us the word. We can also make sure our attention is given to the instructor whether it is a Sunday morning gathering or ...