Authentic Worship...part 1...The Way of Cain...Genesis 4

In the Bible, some numbers are very significant. 7 as the number for perfection or completion. 12 as the number of the tribes of Israel or the disciples of Jesus. 40 as days and nights or 40 as years in the wilderness or the length of a generation. This Sunday I used the number 2 for its significance is found throughout the Bible. We have it here in the opening chapters of Genesis and we also find it in the closing chapters of Revelation. In our Genesis passage we have 2 sons, occupations, offerings, responses, questions, paths, sins, voices, wives and people. The one I want to focus on is the 2 paths. There is the wide road and the narrow path; there are the sheep and the goats; there are the wheat and the tares; and the list goes on. Today we have the way of Cain or the way of Abel. We start off the passage with a worship experience. Both boys brought an offering to God. Abel's was a blood sacrifice of the ...