Humble Service & Generous Lifestyle...part 4...Mark 8:34-38

My dear cousin passed away last week. It was a fun trip to head to Oscoda to see this part of the family when I was a kid. Also, this dear one would spend time with us in the summer when my mom was on summer break from school. I learned a lot from this dear one. She even made it into some of my sermons! She kept me grounded to the expansion of grace both common (to all) and saving (to God's children). Much more could be said here but I will leave it that her passing was a diversion I needed this week. We are getting to the end of our focus on humble service and generous lifestyle. July gives us an extra Sunday this year to wrap it up with a little different type of service. We are back in Mark with Jesus again addressing His disciples with what is going to happen and answering their insertion that " they " are in control rather than a full surrender to Jesus truly as the Christ! The main illustration this week I heard first from Ali...