2 Peter 3:8-13...But do not overlook this one fact...God is patient

" ...but is patient toward you,... " The scoffers in verse 5 overlook a fact but in verse 8 the beloved are to not overlook a fact. The fact is that God is God and we are not. God is in control. God's clock is different than our clock. God has been active and will be active against the wickedness of this world. Peter uses the common phrase, " ...with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. " This common phrase is not a mathematical equation but rather a phrase to make a point. " Boy, he has a chip on his shoulder. " - potato chip, computer chip, etc. " T hat was a piece of cake. " - german chocolate, carrot, etc. " That will cost you an arm and a leg. " - surgeon necessary, wooden leg and hook, etc. " You are barking up the wrong tree. " - coon dog, what kind of tree, etc. You get the point. God's clock is different than ours and therefore what we think as slow is no...