Reading how Jesus made fishers of men...from learning to following


It was an in between chapters sermon this Sunday but I think it was at just the right time.  The transition team that I am working with were part of the sermon and a couple of them shared at the end their personal insights in what they have been learning about discipleship.  When you take a deep dive into how Jesus made disciples or fishers of men, you start to change your perspective on how you look at what we have created as the typical modern-day American church.  Your measurements of forward movement start to change.  What do you measure?  How do you measure it?  

"Being precedes making."  "Being a disciple/follower of Christ precedes the making of a disciple/follower of Christ."  What the transition team was looking at immediately went back to themselves before making any declarative statement on what "we" should do.  Humbly they stood before the congregation with their file folder placards with 8 two word phrases to guide us forward in our thinking and hopefully actions.  Much appreciation to Kevin Harney and his outreach material and teaching to help us re-focus our thoughts.

1.  Initiating Relationships - Matthew 9:9 - Jesus calling Matthew.

A disciple of Christ sees the people God has put around him or her differently.  As an ambassador of Christ with the message of His good news, the disciple says "Hello" and takes the first step if needed.  This is a radical move in a world of gated communities, no big front porches that we actually sit on and closed garage doors.  

2.  Passionate Prayer - Mark 1:35 - Jesus rising early to pray.

A disciple of Christ speaks to God as an ongoing conversation.  This is radical because we live in a world that only speaks to God when something is going wrong or only when it is necessary or urgent.  Jesus taught on prayer, taught His disciples how to pray and He prayed all types of conversations with His heavenly Father.

3.  Bible Engagement - Matthew 22:37-40 - Jesus using Old Testament passages.

A disciple of Christ has a new "google."  This is radical because the Bible replaces all other world's authorities.  God's very words are not only read but they are studied, referred back to and applied as how we should say the next word or take the next step,

4.  Humble Service - John 13:3-5 - Jesus washes His disciples' feet.

A disciple of Christ serves others differently.  This is radical because even the world serves others but usually there is some type of "kickback."  "We serve to make ourselves feel better about ourselves" is one of them.  The disciple of Christ serves because he or she actually love the other with an agape benevolent type of love.

5.  Generous Lifestyle - Luke 21:1-4 - Jesus points to the widow.

A disciple of Christ takes inventory of everything God has provided him or herself for use to promote His kingdom.  This is radical because we tend to put limits on what on our generosity to maintain our schedules and comfort.  We trust our man-made limits more than we trust the all providing God.  Much of the generosity needed doesn't have a price tag attached to it but some does.

6.  Consistent Community - Matthew 20:17-19 - Jesus walks with His disciples. 

A disciple of Christ participates in the fellowship of the body of Christ.  The large gatherings allow us to lift a mighty voice to our God.  The smaller gatherings allow us to interact with one another with holy feedback from God's word.  The individual gatherings allow us to actually walk alongside each other.  This is radical because we live in a "plug and play" world.  No commitment to development, just plug it in and we get to play immediately.  Sadly this consumer concept has crept into God's family and lessened our connective-ness that only comes with being with one another consistently.

7.  Authentic Worship - John 4:23-24 - Jesus speaks of true worshippers.

A disciple of Christ has a new single focus in life that transforms how he or she relates to all other responsibilities of life.  This is radical because we live in a world of "self" worship.  The disciple sees all of his or her life now for the purpose of giving glory to God.  Our parenting, work, play, interactions, tasks, etc. are performed with Another in focus.

8.  Sharing Jesus - John 4:25-26 - Jesus says who His is.

A disciple of Christ is following the Holy Spirit's lead of opening up opportunities to share who Jesus is with others.  It is done with gentleness and respect but it is also a ready defense of the One who has provided for us eternal life and a justified relationship with God.  This is radical because we live in a world where the main character of the story is ourselves.  We are either the hero or the victim, whichever benefits our current circumstances.  The disciple of Christ is praying for the opportunity to say Jesus' name and share who He really is found in the pages of the Bible.

What if our current American church operated this way?  What if these core values were truly core values that were celebrated?  What mind shifts would have to be made to jolt us out of our current pattern?  My prayer is that I not only live the life of a disciple, a follower of Christ described by the 8 above and displayed by Jesus but I realize I am a disciple of Christ to participate in the making of disciples of Christ.  It is my calling, my purpose in being saved and my "sending out" by Jesus until He returns or He takes me home, whichever comes first.

"Lord open my eyes and heart again to see Your purpose for my saved life."



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