Am I A Church Member, Biblically?...Part 2...A little out of order, sorry!


I realized that I posted Part 3 before I had made a post about Part 2!  It happens when I sometimes preach more than once in a week.  I do miss those days when I was preaching/teaching a Sunday School class, a Sunday sermon, a Sunday night message, and a Wednesday Prayer Meeting devotional.  I would sometimes put on top of that a midweek home group, daily email devotionals and a weekly 5 minute radio spot.  I was thankful because it was a time for me to be immersed in God's word on many fronts.  

Last Sunday we ventured into Part 2 of our mini-series "Am I A Church Member, Biblically. We wandered from looking at the global, universal family of God to the local gatherings of His body.  I want to stress again that these Biblical principles are for us to grasp and display no matter the formalness or in-formalness of a local church's membership procedures.  So let's review.

1).  I am a Christian.  I own the statement that Jesus is "the" Christ and He is "my" Christ.  I have engaged my mouth and heart as it is recorded in Romans 10:8-11.

2).  I am pursuing loving God and loving others.  Though it is difficult at times, it is not optional.  We know by John 13:34-35 that we rise up from any fall with love as our guide.

3).  I am examining myself according to God's Word.  The Bible is the instrument panel of my life and it gives us many examination passages like Galatians 5:19-23.

Now we venture into new ground.

4).  I am listening and obeying my spiritual leaders.  God speaks through His Word to local gatherings that He supplies with spiritual leaders (under-shepherds).  Hebrews 13:7 describes our part in listening and observing them according to God's Word so that we can imitate their faith.

5).  I am being discipled by my local body of Christ.  We are discipled by one another by being with one another and practicing the "one another's" of God's Word.  Ephesians 4:31-32 gives us a good start on the list.  With these 3 points it is good to mention that this can not be done from afar or unanimously.

6).  I am understanding my Pastor's role in my spiritual life.  As one of the elders, the Pastor serves the local body of Christ in a special way.  He feels the weight of James 3:1.  He also has some sleepless nights (keeping watch over their souls) of Hebrews 13:17.  Sometimes your Pastor sees things you don't see and is the one who brings things to light that we deal with individually and collectively.

I am a little vulnerable at this end of this sermon.  I have been what I will call a "mini-depressed" following the Sunday morning services.  Why?  I think it is because I have yet to know all those who are in front of me on a regular basis.  As a pastor, I so desire to know the person in the pew, the one I am speaking to, but it won't happen from the platform.  It is not all about the passion of preaching but also the pastoring in the pews.



  1. You are doing the work of the LORD , keep on keeping on. When the Journey is ended you will hear a voice stating, well done good and faithful worker for the Kingdom of God.


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