1 Peter 4:1-6...Holy conduct, holy words, holy ________________


Little Hills Lake in Waushara County, Wisconsin on a very still and unseasonably warm October evening.  No fish this evening but so thankful to be on the water in this borrowed row boat with my "navigator."  Not sure about my expression at the moment but it was not a representation of the my mood on this beautiful little lake.  
Here is another from that night.

Before heading into something about Sunday's sermon in 1 Peter 4, I want to post a link to a great playlist to copy and paste somewhere for future listening.  It is the newest "Together for the Gospel Live V."  Some great songs to listen to and ponder over the words of these songs so God-centered.  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kWzstsR_0JnABrvVA_74pnoPTgCSymE8s

Peter keeps pouring it on to these 1st century Christians who are being heavily persecuted.  He is speaking to those who are still alive but most likely have seen some of their Christians friends actually "die for the faith."  The temptation would be great to "cut bait and run" but Peter keeps pushing them to even greater commitment.

They have been instructed to have holy conduct in the world they live in.  They have also been instructed to have holy words that are given of their defense of the hope that is within them.  Now Peter instructed them to have a holy death if necessary like their friends before them and its impact upon others will be just as much as their conduct and words.  Death means being with Him but it also is not a stop of the witness of the One who is being proclaimed even unto death.

1 Peter 4.6a - "...they might live in the spirit the way God does." (LSB)  "They might" is the phrase that caught my eye last week.  Peter continues to keep their minds upon what is the most important thing these who are maligning you (v.4) need to know by deed, defense, and even death.  May they glorify God (2.12); may they be silenced (2.15); may they be won (3.1); may they be heirs with you (3.7); may they be shamed from above (3.16); and may they brought safety through God's wrath (3.20).

I finished with this graphic that shows the difference between those who believe and those who do not believe and how important the message of the cross of Christ is from us in our conduct, words and even death to those who yet know of God's great love given through His Son, Jesus Christ.

physically alive ---------------------- spiritually dead
the Cross - conversion
spiritually alive ---------------------- physically alive
physically dead ----------------- still spiritually alive


physically alive --------------------- spiritually dead
no Cross - no conversion
physically dead ---------------- still spiritually dead

The stark difference that should propel us forward to keep telling the world with our conduct, our words, and if need be even our death to point them to Jesus.  Check out the sermon below if you have the time.  --Adam--


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