Be Subject To...Part 5 of 5...1 Peter 3:8-12...Mums not the word to this scam!

Here is a picture for some beauty around our house. Some great new friends purchased 6 of these mums which are opening more blossoms each day. Here are the other two! But " mum " is not the word for what happened to me this last week. This is an FYI for anyone who it might benefit. Some people were getting texts saying it was me and asking for help in the form of gift cards. The person saying they were me would only continue to talk via text if the conversation continued. At first I thought I was being hacked and so I went about changing all of my passwords but then my investigating mind went into overdrive. Those contacted were only of a certain group. Some of those contacted I did not have their contact information. What was common with those being contacted? What happened was someone went onto the church website and pulled my name as the pastor of this church. Next, they proceeded to text every number that was on the website...