True Christian Fellowship...what gets in the way? - Philippians 1:3-8; Acts 2:42-45

Let's start this blog post with a quote from the late Larry Crabb. This Sunday was a stand-alone sermon about true Christian fellowship. The last time I shared this was a screen version in Ohio because the virus had found us. It was great to present it last Sunday in person. I really like this quote that emphasizes the "strive to cultivate." The sermon comes on the heels of many conversations with the church I am serving now but also other churches that describe themselves as a "friendly" church. A good start but we need to be reminded that "being friendly" is the lowest rung of the ladder. What is above being just friendly? How important is the foundational practice of fellowship to the life of the individual Christian and the body of Christ as a whole? What gets in the way from us cultivating relationships with other believers? These are all questions to be answered by the Scriptures. I will finish ...