1st Sunday at the new assignment and look what happened to me!


You see two in the picture above because I thought I better test again just in case but the same result was shown.  The starting sermon in 1 Peter 1:1-2 was going to have to wait for another week.  Nothing as before but a great opportunity to read some books that have been piling up and also to get some leisurely bike rides in on the beautiful backroads of central Wisconsin.  

It was a mighty storm when I came into town on Wednesday.  This is a pine tree at the entrance of a cemetery just down the road from the church.  It is just an example of why the sound of chainsaws running is the dominant noise outside right now.  Some in the church I am serving are dealing with downed trees on their structures.  

I just came from a yearly conference that IPM puts on for its interims to receive continuing training and it featured Karl Vaters.  I am working through some of his books at the present and it really helped me to ground myself again in the principles established in the Scriptures about the church.  We very easily say, "We don't change the message but the methods may change."  This is true and the changing of the methods are very necessary at times but Karl challenged us to see how we can help a congregation change its direction by changing its thinking back to Biblical standards.

Which is better?  "We want our church to grow bigger?" or "We want our church to grow healthier?"  We would probably all agree that the second statement is the better one.  We can see a church grow bigger but not necessarily healthier but a church growing healthier will handle any growth keeping on point with the Scriptures.  I think of Jesus' words in Matthew 16:18 (LSB).  "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it" (underlined by me).

Who will build the church?  Who will make it increase.  This is Jesus' responsibility.  We are responsible as it says in the Great Commission to "...make disciples..."  How much time do we spend thinking up ways to make the local church bigger and better rather than making it healthier?  This should be a regular question asked at our elder meetings.  Jesus will make it bigger and we need not to think just of our own local church but rather globally but we are commanded to be about discipling others which is the health element.  We practice the Great Commandments to love God and others; we practice the Great Commission to be about making disciples; and we practice what Karl calls the Pastoral Prime Mandate of equipping God's people for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Just that little course adjustment will change the outcome of many things we plan with the church body in mind.  Unhealthy and healthy churches can grow but which ones will bring glory to God?  Asking the health question will alter why we are doing this; maybe what we are doing; and even how we are doing it.  Let us focus on being a healthy church no matter the size we find ourselves.  May the end game for us always be a healthier church while Jesus drives the bus to the destination He will put our local church in.  The Greyhound motto was:  "Go Greyhound and leave the driving to us."  While Jesus is driving there is plenty to do among the occupants of the bus.

Here is the link to Karl Vaters website: https://karlvaters.com/

Back to my books while I productively use this quarantine for His glory.



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